View Full Version : Download "new only" from Epson P4000
December 18th, 2005, 03:33 AM
Is there an easy way to configure Downloader Pro to download only new folders in the CARDS directory on an Epson P4000? Files already downloaded should be skipped on subsequent runs, and I don't want to download the Albums at all.
Chris Breeze
December 19th, 2005, 11:06 AM
It scans the whole disk for new files (files whose download names don't already exist on drive you're downloading to). If you know the names of folders you don't want to download them you could move or rename them and then use File->Open source directory... in DLPro to open the root folder of the directories containing new images.
e.g. download the images then move the directories on the P4000 to a folder named \downloaded. Then next time you download use File->Open source directory... to the other directories.
December 20th, 2005, 04:07 AM
Thanks Chris. Would it be possible to add the ability to exclude files by pattern mask in a future Downloader Pro version? The problem is that the Epson supports "Albums" containing images downloaded *to* the device simply for slide show purposes, in addition to "Cards" which contains the images loaded to it via CF card upload.
December 20th, 2005, 04:40 AM
I was considering doing this by writing my own plugin, but if I read things right, a plugin only runs *after* an image gets downloaded. Yes, I could delete it at that point, but it would keep coming back. How about a plugin API that runs *before* an image gets downloaded?
December 20th, 2005, 05:16 AM
As far as I can tell, DLP supports only a single command line parameter. If "scan entire drive" is set in the Preferences, it uses only the drive letter from it, not the entire path. If "scan entire drive" is not checked, it reads only the first image directory it finds at that path, not all subdirectories. Also, "open source folder" seems to ignore subdirectories regardless of preferences. Any suggestion how to read E:\CARDS and all its subdirectories, but not the rest of E:\ ?
Still looking for an answer....
Chris Breeze
December 20th, 2005, 11:11 AM
File->Open source directory... or dragging and dropping a directory from Windows Explorer will load the directory and all sub directories. DLPro currently only looks for the drive letter passed by Windows XP in the command line and the DLPro command line options. The next release will also accept a source directory in the command line.
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