View Full Version : place exif data using tokens in iptc?

January 1st, 2006, 04:52 AM
I would like to be able to place arbitrary exif data, read from the image,
back into the IPTC area (well, this could be limited to exif data not including
any binary image data), using a facility like the one provided in IrfanView
when displaying images.

Using this facility, it could then become rather more easy to obtain image
shooting parameters which are not readily available as tokens supported
by DLPro and would allow a mechanism to extend the kind of information
available without needing DLPro to support it for each of the different camera
models available.

So, for example, I could specify %Ex80 to get the image number, etc.

Since DLPro already reads Exif data from images, I would assume there's not
a lot of work involved in doing this (optimistically said :))

Chris Breeze
January 2nd, 2006, 03:29 PM
Currently Downloader Pro only reads a subset of the shooting data from the image. This is partly for performance reasons and partly because much of the useful data is hidden away in MakerNotes which makes it very difficult to read.

BBPro doesn't have the performance limitation because it only reads shooting data from the current image. You can use BBPro to copy shooting data to IPTC fields using the same tokens as BBPro's HTML generator e.g. @iso@ for the ISO setting.

January 5th, 2006, 07:54 AM

Could this also be a choice the user makes? I understand there will be
a performance hit, but if I'm willing to accept it for the benefit of having
these bits of info copied over in one piece of software instead of two
and also applied to multiple files at once instead of going image by image...
Is this acceptable? will you consider adding this facility to DLPro?

A performance hit of 20% - 30% is insignificant in the greater scheme of
things and it saves a lot more in manual edits later.

Chris Breeze
January 6th, 2006, 06:19 AM
I'll see what I can do when I've finished the next update of BBPro. It may be possible to make the EXIF parsing and token substition from BBPro available for the writing IPTC data to the downloaded images in DLPro.

January 25th, 2006, 08:03 AM

I'll see what I can do when I've finished the next update of BBPro. It may be possible to make the EXIF parsing and token substition from BBPro available for the writing IPTC data to the downloaded images in DLPro.

That's great news. I hope this is realised soon :)

January 25th, 2006, 03:59 PM
I'll see what I can do when I've finished the next update of BBPro. It may be possible to make the EXIF parsing and token substition from BBPro available for the writing IPTC data to the downloaded images in DLPro.
I would find this useful too!


February 11th, 2006, 05:00 AM
See Subject line

Chris Breeze
February 20th, 2006, 02:16 PM
Sorry, it isn't available in the latest release DLPro.

February 21st, 2006, 05:04 PM
I think this would help me solve the problem that the EOS 5D does not record folder/file numbers or shutter count in the EXIF data.

Chris: how might you implement this? Would it be possible to have DL Pro's automated download access a .ipt file, containing DLPro tokens as well as pre-set text, thereby ensuring that relevant IPTC fields are populated on arrival in BB Pro. Automated image documentation can't be bad ...

Chris Breeze
February 22nd, 2006, 07:55 AM
Sorry, I was muttering a bit about the lack of consistency in the information Canon store in the shooting data for different models and that Nikon do this better.

Extending the camera name mapping functionality to allow you to specify an IPTC template file is an interesting idea but I don't think it would help here. You can use any of the DLPro tokens in the IPTC data e.g. you could store the folder number and image number in the IPTC object name field using %q_%r.

February 22nd, 2006, 02:29 PM
Thanks; on reflection, I am a bit close to (or even over) the edge of this particular topic. But for completeness...

I love the facility for automation in DL Pro, and I am reluctant to give up using it in order to use the tokens as you describe, though this is an excellent approach for those who download manually.

The ideal solution for me would be one in which the tokens map shooting data into IPTC fields as part of the automated process, along with the downloading, file naming, deletion etc. It seemed to me that the use of .ipt files which is already part of DL Pro could form the basis of this; you would 'only' need do add an item to the automation menu to reference this process. But you know, and I do not, what 'only' really means in this context.

Chris Breeze
February 23rd, 2006, 07:22 AM
I'm not sure why you need to do this manually each time. DLPro remembers the IPTC settings and so provided you don't need to keep changing them you can enter fixed values including tokens in the IPTC data and DLPro will use them for each download. You can also use the job code (%J) to enter information such as the subject or assignment each time DLPro is run and then use %J to store this information in the IPTC data.

February 23rd, 2006, 12:55 PM
Of course! How could I not have realised that? Ah,well, as I said before, if stupidity can be the cause ...

Thanks, Chris.

April 19th, 2006, 11:08 PM

Sorry, it isn't available in the latest release DLPro.

Do you have a plan for implementing this in a new future release?

Chris Breeze
April 20th, 2006, 10:23 AM
The next release of DLPro will allow you to use most of the BreezeBrowser Pro shooting data tokens in the IPTC data e.g. @lens@, @exposureMode@ etc.

April 26th, 2006, 12:03 PM
The next release of DLPro will allow you to use most of the BreezeBrowser Pro shooting data tokens in the IPTC data e.g. @lens@, @exposureMode@ etc.

Wonderful! when can I have it?

Chris Breeze
April 27th, 2006, 12:58 PM
Soon, I just need to finish adding support for the Canon EOS 30D which should take about a week.