View Full Version : BB 2.11 bugs

February 2nd, 2005, 12:40 AM
I use a Canon 20D.

I like to display the size (width and height) of the image I am veiwing in the status line. This indicates immediately to me what resolution the image is I am looking at.

However since installing v2.11(may be 20D EXIF related?), the following happens. (I got this info from the BB help):

@width@ and @height@ displays the original image size - even after changing the image size - I need to see the actual dimensions.

The following don't work for me at all. They show exactly as they are typed in the configuration line of the Status line preferences:

Any clues? Are these bugs?

Another problem I have noticed is:
If you make a proof and it's wrong then you would normally adjust your settings and try again. (the proofs are written to a 'Proof' folder.
The problems now occur.
1. The first proof is still seen when checking the result of the second proof.
2. Deleting the first proof before reproofing does nothing to show the new proof either, you still see the first proof.

The only way I can see the results of the new proof settings is to proof a different image. Is this an image caching bug/error?

February 3rd, 2005, 12:59 AM
When I generate HTMLs, everything works well - until...

If I go to another folder of photos to generate a new different HTML, it asks if I want to 'View HTML' or 'Regenerate HTML' as if I have already created it. BB is incorrectly remembering the last HTML generated as if it was the new one with the new images I am about to create.
As long as I change my HTML save folder, it doesn't overwirte the last created HTML.
If I forget to change the Save folder, I loose the previous created HTML! :confused:

Is this a bug or a setting - it used to all work beautifully before v2.11.

Chris Breeze
February 5th, 2005, 06:35 AM
I will look into the problem of the image size always being reported as the original size even after resizing the image.
I don't understand what you mean about proofs. When you run proofs the second time and an earlier file of the same name already exists in the output directory you are asked whether to overwrite it, skip it or save using a different name. If you choose to skip the file the original file is left and the current proof is skipped. If you choose overwrite the new proof overwrites the earlier file.

Can you explain the HTML problem in more detail? I don't understand what you're trying to do. Nothing has changed in this area in BB v2.11 and so it should work exactly as it did before.

February 8th, 2005, 11:13 PM
To set the proofing settings correctly, I select one image to test with until the settings are right, then I can batch proof all required images.

When viewing my second proof test, the thumbnail image of the proof has changed, but clicking the main view shows the origianl OLD first proofed image.
Viewing 'Actual Image' shows the correct latest version.
I'd say the 'main view' image refers to the first proofs 'overwritten' image.

Opening the LATEST proofed version in Photoshop shows the Latest proof settings correctly.

Because the proofed image doesn't change in 'Main View', this is not helpful when trying to preview the proofed output to determine if my proof settings are as I want them.

Try it, compare the second version of a proof image in BB's 'Main View' and in Photoshop. They should be different - mine is.

Chris Breeze
February 9th, 2005, 08:55 AM
This sounds like an image caching problem, but BB doesn't have image caching. There was a problem with BBPro v1.0 not clearing the image cache after cached images were updated using some operations but this was fixed in BBPro v1.0.1.

I tried following your instructions with BB v2.11 but wasn't able to reproduce the problem. The first proof had no changes and the second was cropped so that there was an obvious visible difference. In both cases the correct image was displayed in the thumbnail and main views, view actual image and Photoshop.