View Full Version : Files scrambled after download

January 27th, 2006, 10:03 PM
I am trying to sort out a problem I am having when I download files to the hard drive. Randomly a file or two will have lines, or be half purple or green. I have tried another card reader and a different USB card. Computer tech seems to think I have a software problem somewhere and suggests reinstalling Windows XP SP2, which would wipe the drive and I would have to reinstall all software. Everything is backed up so that is not the problem. If I download on the Mac, using Image capture, all the files are just fine when using the same card reader. Any ideas or possible other things to check. I don't want to start replacing USB cards and software without checking if there is something I am doing in the settings for DownLoaderPro.


Chris Breeze
January 30th, 2006, 07:35 AM
It does sound like a hardware or driver problem. There is no setting in Downloader Pro which would cause files to become scrambled. From your description it sounds as though your computer doesn't have USB 2.0 ports as standard and is using a separate card for these and this might be the source of the problem. Can you try connecting the card reader directly to one of the computer's USB ports even if it is a slow USB 1.1 port?

January 30th, 2006, 11:54 AM
Thanks for the info. I have tried every USB port on the computer and the problem persists, so I am going to try a new card reader before getting into the computer.