View Full Version : NEF Transfer w/Shoot Date frm Epson P2000?

February 5th, 2006, 04:07 PM
With DownloaderPro, will I be able to change the file name, as the files are being transfered to my computer hard drive via a card reader, to include the shooting date for NEF D200 files when they are coming from an Epson P2000 (i.e., not the original CF card)? :confused:

NikonView transfer will allow me to change the file name, as the files are being transfered to my computer hard drive via a card reader, to include the shooting date if and only if they are coming from the original CF card and are the original, as shot files from the camera. :(

So, I am hoping that DownloaderPro (which I read about in Tom Grey's book "Photoshop CS2 Workflow") will allow me the name changing functionality I get from NikonView when transfering files from the Epson P2000. :)

Tks! - TomB

Chris Breeze
February 6th, 2006, 09:38 AM
Downloader Pro will let you rename files to include the shooting date in the filename and organize them into date based folders when downloading from a card reader or an external storage device like the Epson P2000.
The current version, Downloader Pro v1.7, has problems reading shooting data from the Nikon D200 but this will be fixed in the next release which should be available later this week.

February 7th, 2006, 12:42 AM
Thank you very much, Chris!
I'll be checking in, looking for the next version.
- TomB