View Full Version : How do I store the original file name in IPTC

March 6th, 2006, 11:16 PM
Is there a way that I could use Downloader Pro to store the original file name in IPTC or EXIF. I want to be able to pull the file name from the metadata - even when the original name has been changed.

I create CR2 and CRW raw files. I use Downloader Pro to rename them to YYMMDD_HHMMSS using EXIF data. If I shoot more than one frame a second, I have overlap. I can make the files unique by using a sequence number at that time, but cannot repeat the exact name for the file later if it is no longer surrounded by the sequential files. I cannot find a field in the CRW metadata that I could use to build exactly the same unique name independently. I want to store the original file name in the metadata so that I can use a portion of it to name the original file and then repeat the process later if a version of the image has been renamed.

I would like to write the name to the file at the time of the batch downloading. I know that I could individually write the information to the file - I need an automatic process.

Is there a simple way to do this? Is there an alternate field stored in CRW and CR2 EXIF that I could use to generate a single digit identifier that could be applied to give the sequential file a unique name?

Chris Breeze
March 7th, 2006, 08:13 AM
You can use the token %o to store the original filename in the IPTC data e.g. the ObjectName field. This can be accessed later by BreezeBrowser Pro using the token @IPTC_objectName@ for renaming or displaying in captions or HTML pages.
Canon 1D series cameras and recent Nikon DSLRs store the shutter activation count in the shooting data and this can be accessed using the token %r8. I'm trying to find out whether the shutter activation count is stored in the shooting data of other Canon DSLRs (if it is it is encrypted).

March 8th, 2006, 04:23 AM
Thanks for the information - I successfully stored the file name.