View Full Version : Job Code and KEYWORD

March 25th, 2006, 08:35 PM

When downloader pro is started (if set up in preferences), a job code is asked for...that is great. But how hard would it be to add another "user input" field for a KEYWORD. This keyword(s) could be used as part of the filename.

Here is an example of what I am talking about:

Not only would this aid in describing filenames, but it also is just another way of providing unique filenames.



Chris Breeze
March 27th, 2006, 08:22 AM
I'm not sure that the terminology is right because keyword might be confused with IPTC keywords. Basically this is adding the ability to specify two job codes. It wouldn't be hard to add this, the biggest difficulty is doing it in such a way that it isn't confusing or too cumbersome.

March 27th, 2006, 05:31 PM
I'm not sure that the terminology is right because keyword might be confused with IPTC keywords. Basically this is adding the ability to specify two job codes. It wouldn't be hard to add this, the biggest difficulty is doing it in such a way that it isn't confusing or too cumbersome.

Thanks for replying Chris...

I'll plead my case.

At a recent photography workshop, the pro that was there used Photo Mechanic and while I was not that impressed with it....I still prefer Breezebrowser (for 4 years now)...I did learn from his "workflow" that he renamed his filenames to include a SHORT descriptive "word". I found this could be invaluable to be able to ID "scattered files" on my desktop.

I wouldn't care what it is called if we could have the option to include this as part of the initial download dialog box...kinda like I had the example of...

Thanks for listening.

Also...I just got the 30D as a backup to my 1DMKII and I will be upgrading both my Breezebrowser and Downloader Pro in the next day or two.

Thanks again.


Nill Toulme
March 28th, 2006, 01:37 PM
Wally I'm not sure I see the benefit of this, at least for your own particular purposes. In your own example above, how is having an additional Keyword field (or Job Code 2) better than simply entering your Job Code as "Lacrosse Harding vs Arkansas"? Either way, the result is filenames (and if you like folder names) with "Lacrosse" included.


March 28th, 2006, 03:09 PM

Actually "keyword" is the wrong terminology. What I mean is way to automatically insert a descriptive word or phrase as part of the filename. Yes, the folder structure is named like I want it to be, however, stray files and/or misplaced files would have MUCH more meaning if there was a way to ID them without having to thumnail them or open them up.

Does that make any more sense? I know this feature is available in other types of software like this...and I am only suggesting it as an option to include it in the filename (instead of the entire job code).


Nill Toulme
March 28th, 2006, 03:54 PM
I guess I'm denser than usual this morning, but I still don't follow. How "automatic" would it be? Why *can't* that magic word just be included as part of the job code? Are you using the job code for something other than inclusion in filenames?


March 28th, 2006, 04:06 PM
DownloaderPro will make my directory and rename the files based on the tokens I have set for the the downloads.

In my case (and I am doing this from memory and from work)...looks something like this:

c:\2006_03_28_Searcy Lions vs Cabot Panthers\wj142967.jpg

Note the filename is numbers ONLY and bears no description of the file whatsoever...which is not a problem as long as it stays in this folder. But many times I will move random files to various folders and places (mostly desktop).

Here is what I would like to accomplish (by way of a descriptive word in the filename):
c:\2006_03_28_Searcy Lions vs Cabot Panthers\wj142967football.jpg
c:\2006_03_28_Searcy Lions vs Cabot Panthers\wj142967searcylions.jpg

This would also have the effect of giving the filename a more unique name without the use of consecutive numbering.

Is that any better.


Nill Toulme
March 28th, 2006, 05:13 PM
Yes. It sounds like you want two Job Codes so one can be long and the other short. There's been a fair amount of demand for a second Job Code, and I can see the usefulness in some situations.

But in the meantime, in the workaround department, and FWIW... how about in that example just making your Job Code something like FBSearcyCabot. It tells you all you need to know and fits in your filename easily enough.

I used to go to great lengths to maintain my file numbering. When I was using three different bodies that worked OK. But once I starting using two Mark II's it kind of broke down, and with 40,000 images on my website I was having more and more trouble locating images for year-back print orders and so forth.

So I switched to naming my folders date-job and my files date-job-%R8. (Note that %R8 gives me a unique filenumber on the Mark II, but works sporadically at best on the 20D. %R is probably a better choice here.)

My job codes tend to look something like WAGS (for Woodward Academy Girls Soccer) or DHJVBS (for Druid Hills JV Boys Soccer), etc. So my folder will turn out 060321 DHJVBS and the filenames 060324-DHJVBS-12345.cr2.

But now I go one step further for additional simplification. Once I cull a shoot down to keepers (using BB Pro of course) ... typically 100 out of a thousand frames or so, I'll rename the keepers again. This helps especially when I'm using two bodies, but works well for one body too. I order the keepers in BB by timestamp, so if multiple bodies are involved they're still in the right order. Then I rename them serially starting with 001, so that 060324-DHJVBS-12345.cr2 becomes 060324-DHJVBS-001.cr2, etc. That way the captions on my (BB Pro-generated) HTML galleries coming out looking like: 060324-DHJVBS-001.

If you did this using a personal coding scheme for each sport, e.g., FB for football, your version could come out as something like wj060324-FB-DHJVB-001.


March 28th, 2006, 05:20 PM
Nill, very good information there. I will try this and see how it works...I would still like the separate job codes...however your idea seems like it might be the next best thing....I will let you know.

Thanks for sharing some of your workflow tips...those kind of things DO help.
