View Full Version : camera owner?

April 4th, 2006, 03:21 PM
Hi all
Just joined and i have a really basic question.
Can i add my name in DP 1.8 to the exif data (i think thats what its called) when i download my shots automatically so that C1 will see my name as camera owner?
Im sure its easy but im a bit confused over all the different options

thanks for any help


April 4th, 2006, 05:01 PM

You can certainly add your name to your image files as you download. But how you do it will depend on the make of your camera.

Canon cameras do have a facility to record the owner's name (jargon: 'owner string') in the camera. DL Pro, unfortunately, does not at present recognise the newer models of Canon cameras when they are directly connected, so I suggest that you use Canon Camera Window to set the name. You only need to do it once, as the camera remembers the setting.

When your name is set in this way, it is automatically saved to each image as part of the (EXIF) shooting data. DL Pro can access the name, for file and folder naming and for setting IPTC data, with the %O token. You can find out how these things might be relevant to you in the DL Pro help files. So far as I know, C1 preserves EXIF data.

If your camera is not a Canon, then the owner string is not saved in the EXIF data, and you would have to tell DL Pro to save it as part of the IPTC data. However, at the moment, DL Pro only supports the older (IIM) standard for IPTC data, though Chris plans to support the new (XMP) standard eventually. I do not know offhand which standard C1 supports. All in all, using IPTC data at present is more confusing than it should be. But, again, the explanations in the help file can get you started.

So the first question is: is your camera a Canon? If it is, it will be much easier to advise you without totally confusing you. Which I hope I haven't done so far ...