View Full Version : Copying IPTC data to CRW files

Ferdinand in Paris
February 12th, 2005, 04:45 PM
Is it possible to copy IPTC data to CRW files? I had always assumed so, but never had the need. Normally the CRW files are the master files for IPTC and EXIF, but I had a little "accident" with the IPTC data in some CRW images, and need to restore it.

Related to this, I've (re)written a script in Imatch to copy IPTC data back to CRW files, but I have a small problem with it. Some images have carriage returns in the "Caption" field. When IMatch copies such a field to an image, the carriage returns appear in the BB IPTC editor as little narrow rectangles (like vertical bars). If I can't copy the IPTC data back in BB, is there a solution to the carriage return problem produced by my script, which I assume is something to do with the difference between CR & LF?


Chris Breeze
February 14th, 2005, 09:41 AM
BB uses \r for line breaks in IPTC data (which is the same as Photoshop CS) and so you may need to convert \n or \r\n to \r to avoid strange characters beig displayed.

There isn't an easy way to copy the IPTC data to CRW files. The IPTC data is stored in the THM file which is a actually a JPEG file with a different extension and so you could rename the THM to JPG, copy the EXIF and IPTC data and then rename it back again.