View Full Version : BBpro & Memory

October 20th, 2006, 03:51 PM
I know this issue has been addressed in the CPU thread but this is a little different (I think).

I've discovered that w BBpro open -- images selected or not -- that other (db) programs that I use regularly have an impossible time regaining their memory space, i.e. switching back into active memory. The result is a lockup of the db programs (more than one). Moreover, reloading these programs while BBpro results in a faulty startup, i.e. they never load in properly.

I know Chris has addressed a memory issue in BBpro in another thread but I write this thinking that it may add more data on the situation.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
skype janrif

Chris Breeze
October 23rd, 2006, 12:35 PM
I'm sorry I haven't come across this problem before. On my system BBPro typically uses 30Mb to 50Mb when idle (depending on the number of images etc.) and so there ought to be plenty of spare memory provided your PC has enough RAM.
BBPro runs fine on my laptop with 512Mb running Windows XP, but I would recommend at least 1Gb RAM if possible.