View Full Version : Proof metadata not visible in Adobe Bridge

October 24th, 2006, 02:27 AM


Using BreezeBrower Pro 1.6.1, I just made some plain-old JPG proofs from larger JPGs that have IPTC data in them.

The metadata in the original JPGs seems to read properly in: Adobe Bridge, BreezeBrowser Pro, Photo Mechanic, and Photoshop CS2.

The metadata in the new JPG proofs does not read in Adobe Bridge! The whole metadata panel is blank!
However, the metadata DOES seem to read properly in: BreezeBrowser Pro, Photo Mechanic, and Photoshop CS2.

Please fix BreezeBrowser Pro so that when it makes proofs, the metadata in those proofs can be read by Adobe Bridge.

Now I don't really like Bridge -- it is SLOW and klunky and ornery. But it is ubiquitous. Most of my customers use it, so the stuff that I give them must be readable on Bridge. I wish Adobe had had YOU make Bridge -- so that it would work properly and quickly. But they didn't. So please make BB fully compatible with Bridge (but not slow and klunky like Bridge).

When BB makes JPG proofs from the large original TIFFs (even 500MB multi-layered TIFFs), those JPG proofs seem to read OK in Bridge!

Chris Breeze
October 24th, 2006, 10:29 AM
I've just tested it with some JPEGs from my 30D and both CS2 and Bridge can read the IPTC data in the JPEG proofs.

I think it must be soemthing to do with the actual IPTC data in the JPEG you're testing. Please could you send a me a copy of the original and proofed JPEGs (please send to [email protected])

October 24th, 2006, 04:43 PM
Yes, this is a convoluted problem. The proofs that BBPro made from my large TIFFs (even my 500MB layered TIFFs) worked fine.

But the proofs that BBPro made from JPEGs that had had the IPTC "core" data deleted (I tabbed thru the fields and pressed the [Delete] key) in Bridge are problematic.

Chris Breeze
October 25th, 2006, 08:27 AM
The sample images you sent me (thanks) are puzzling. The IPTC data is displayed correctly in BBPro and in CS2 but not in Bridge. This suggests that there is a problem with Bridge because you'd expect it to work the same as CS2.