View Full Version : IPTC Data differences BB PS7

Ian Leonard
February 22nd, 2005, 02:18 PM
Some of the fields are named differently between BB & Photoshop7 but one field with similar names does not display in the others IPTC area. BB Job ID / PS7 Job Name. Is there a reason for this? Also is there any likelyhood of having a UK version of IPTC fields, ie state=county? Ideally County/District/Parish.

Ian Leonard.

Chris Breeze
March 7th, 2005, 09:05 AM
BreezeBrowser uses the names as defined in the IPTC standard whereas Photoshop has changed some of them. I'm planning to make the IPTC field names user definable in a future release, but this will only be in BBPro and not BB.