View Full Version : "Twiddle"/method to regenerate THM files

February 23rd, 2005, 01:25 AM
I find myself wanting to regenerate THM files for my older (Canon 300D) images, long since deleted. I've seen mention of a utility called "Twiddle" in the history file for BreezeBrowser, and I've seen it mentioned on another board that an app for regenerating THM files is included with BreezeBrowser.

I purchased BB/DLPro last fall, and I can't seem to find any other applications in the folder, and nothing on my system named "Twiddle". Chris is out of town until the 28th - would anybody have information or be able to help me get ahold of this utility?

Thanks in advance for any help!


February 23rd, 2005, 08:27 AM
Twiddle once was supplied with BB. It is a tiny little program to rotate pictures. Since BB and BBP do have this buid into them, Chris decided to not supply it anymore. I would gladly send it to you if it would work on its own, but it uses at least one DLL (pscDvlp.DLL) that I don't have anymore*.

The THM regeneration I read about, too. I think it is th BreezeBrowser(Pro) somewhere, but I can't actually check since BBP gets terminated on every start right now - comp is a little overwrought due to a very high workload.

*If somebody could provide me with a copy ...