View Full Version : Feature request: poll for camera

February 26th, 2005, 12:17 PM
I'm using PSRemote and love it. The only problem I'm having is occasionally losing the connection with the camera, using from something that's my fault, and the app reconnects with the camera when I tell it to. But if it had an option to "poll for camera when disconnected", it would be more self-running.

I'm using PSRemote to power a photobooth, so automation is everything for me.

Chris Breeze
March 4th, 2005, 05:09 PM
DSLR Remote Pro already has an option to auto reconnect and so it shouldn't be too difficult to add this.

BTW What camera are you using and how do you turn it on? Cameras like the A-series need the power button to be held down for a couple of seconds. At least one user turns the camera on using a solenoid.

March 4th, 2005, 09:58 PM
Great idea on the solenoid. I have an A40 so yeah, I need to hold it for a few seconds. Mine's a permanent installation, so I was thinking about tapping into the button and wiring a remote button.

March 5th, 2007, 11:09 PM

Any idea how this person you speak of rigged up the solenoid? I'd love to see pics. I was thinking of doing the same thing with either the above or a servo. It be easy to take apart the camera and wire something up but I'd like to keep the warranty on this one. Thanks for any info.