View Full Version : Exif ?
June 19th, 2008, 03:03 PM
With Canon EOS40D:
DPP Canon v3.4.1 / Robogeo / DxO 4.5 do not manage to read the data Exif if use of the menu "Copy Exif " of Breezebrowser Pro V 1.8 (OK with Breezebrowser Pro v1.7.3)
Identical problem with Downloader Pro 2.10 if geo-tag (Ok with Downloader Pro 2.04)…
Chris Breeze
June 23rd, 2008, 08:27 AM
I've just tested this on my system and can't find anything wrong. I tried copying EXIF data from 40D raw files to JPEGs and from 40D JPEGs to JPEGs. In both cases the shooting data was correctly displayed by BBPro v1.8, DPP, DPP 3.4.10, Photoshop CS2, PhotoShop CS3 and RoboGeo 5.3.9.
Are the source files straight from the camera or have they been modified in some way (and possibly been damaged or contain corrupted shooting data)?
July 2nd, 2008, 08:20 AM
For sample, I send you (mail at support) two attached files for Exif doesn't work with Canon 40D...
DPP201 40D GeoTag Off.jpg > Canon 40D download with Downloader Pro 2.01
Ok With DPP Canon v3.4.1 / Robogeo / DxO 4.5
DPP201 40D GeoTag On.jpg > Download with Downloader Pro 2.01 With Geotag
NOk With DPP Canon v3.4.1 / Robogeo / DxO 4.5
If use Breezebrowser Pro 1.81 copy Exif Data from
(DPP201 40D GeoTag On.jpg > DPP201 40D GeoTag On.jpg) Ok
Thank You
July 3rd, 2008, 07:18 AM
Screen to ExifTool EXIF Canon 40D:
Downloader pro 2.10: If Enable GPS Geo-Tagging, Tow (2) value GPSVersionID in EXIF
GPSVersionID then GPSVersionID > Robogeo GPS Geo-Tagging not View!
Bug with Downloader Pro 2.10 in Geo-Tagging With Canon 40D ?
Breezebrowser Pro 1.8.1 > Tools / Exif Copy or Copy Exif Data From…
One (1) value GPSVersionID…
It's Ok. With Robogeo GPS Geo-Tagging is View!
Chris Breeze
July 3rd, 2008, 08:54 AM
On my system I get the following results:
BreezeBrowser Pro v1.8.1, Photoshop CS2 and Photoshop CS3 can read the EXIF data and GPS data from the images.
Canon's ZoomBrowser EX 6.1.1 and RoboGeo 5.3.9 can read the EXIF data but not the GPS info.
Canon's DPP cannot read the EXIF data or GPS info from the geo-tagged image.
This suggests that there is a bug in Canon's DPP which is preventing it from reading the EXIF data - the data is definitely valid as the other apps can read it without any problems.
I don't know why RoboGeo or ZoomBrowser cannot read the GPS data as it is definitely there and can be read by BBPro and PhotoShop CS2/CS3. The only thing I can think of is that DLPro writes the GPS version id as and the apps are ignoring it because they are expecting a version id of DLPro writes the version id as because it conforms to version and later of the GPS EXIF spec.
July 3rd, 2008, 10:20 AM
I don't know why RoboGeo or ZoomBrowser cannot read the GPS data
Downloader pro 2.10: If Enable GPS Geo-Tagging, Write two value GPSVersionID ( and in EXIF and not one value... (reading the EXIF data with ExitTool and ExifToolGui of "DPP201 40D GeoTag On.jpg")
> Robogeo cannot read the GPS data.
Two entries that is the cause of probleme?
Copy Exit from data with Breezebrowser Pro 1.81 (Copy Exif Data From "DPP201 40D GeoTag On.jpg" of "DPP201 40D GeoTag On BBP.jpg" write one value GPSVersionID ( in EXIF...
> Robogeo and ZoomBrowser can read GPS data of "DPP201 40D GeoTag On BBP.jpg".
Tank you
(mail at Support: object "Screen ExifToolGui of Canon"
Chris Breeze
July 4th, 2008, 02:34 PM
What appears to be happening is the EXIF data in 40D JPEGs rather strangely already contain a GPS IFD with the GPS VersionId tag set to but no other GPS info. DLPro adds the new GPS data but fails to remove the additional VersionId tag. I will fix this in the next release.
Even though there is a minor error in the GPS data, RoboGeo and DPP should have more robust EXIF parsers and be able to handle it. BBPro, Photoshop and ExifTool have no problem reading the GPS data.
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