View Full Version : Upgrade Problem
March 19th, 2005, 03:32 PM
I just upgraded from version 1.4 to 1.6... and now DLPro doesn't recognize the camera name for either raw files or movies that I recorded on the camera. The old version used to but now the camera name just shows up as a blank.
Can anyone help?
Thank you,
March 19th, 2005, 04:17 PM
Suddenly, it has become even more complicated. I reinstalled the previous version and it still doesn't recognize the camera name with raw files, even on files that I had previously used downloader pro on that do have the camera name in the title. When I open the pictures in breezebrowser, the camera name is there in the info...
Chris Breeze
March 21st, 2005, 08:30 AM
What camera are you using and are you downloading using a card reader or directly from the camera?
March 21st, 2005, 09:34 AM
I am using a Digital Rebel and a Canon S40. I normally download from a card reader. In this case, I was attempting to rename pictures that were already on my harddrive and had previously been downloaded from a card reader using Downloader Pro. When I look at the RAW files from either camera, none of the picture info seems to be coming through, including the camera name, the aperture and shutter speed. It just shows up as N/A in Downloader Pro.
It did recognize that info when I originally downloaded the pictures from my card reader, because the file names have the camera name as originally named by Downloader Pro. Also, when I open those particular pictures in Breezebrowser, I can see all the info for the pictures and it appears to be accurate.
Any ideas?
Chris Breeze
March 21st, 2005, 01:17 PM
DLPro reads the shooting data from the THM files the accompany the CRW raw files from the Digital Rebel and S40. If you have deleted the THM files DLPro will be unable to read the shooting data.
BB works slightly differently and reads the detailed shooting data from CRW file and the THM file if available. This is much more complicated and slower than reading a subset of the shooting data from the THM file which is what DLPro does. The camera always creates the THM file and DLPro assumes this is available.
BTW I strongly recommend keeping THM files as BB uses them for copying more accurate EXIF data to converted files, faster thumbnail display and for storing IPTC data.
March 21st, 2005, 02:18 PM
Thanks for the information, now it is beginning to make sense... do you know if there is any way to recreate the THM files from the RAW files or am I stuck?
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