View Full Version : Booth business

February 27th, 2009, 09:05 PM
There's great debate and discussion going on here about the specifics of the (excellent!) Breeze system, but are there any wider forums discussing booth business? Marketing strategies, booth design, real life stories.

Whilst this is becoming a bigger and bigger industry I'm guessing (tell me I'm wrong) that spread over the world (or at least UK, US and Australia that I have noticed here) we arent all competing in each others back yards, and we may have more to offer each other?

Any thoughts anyone? Interest in starting one? I'll show you mine if you show me yours etc?

[Mr B - this is your forum, delete this if you consider it inappropriate for me to raise it here]

February 27th, 2009, 10:14 PM
I've actually thought about making a website that is specific to the photo booth business that includes "how to" articles, FAQ's, reviews, and a forum, but I've just been so busy getting my business up and running in addition to my full time job, that I have put it on the back burner.

In the mean time, these forums are probably the best place for info, which is why I check out the board at least once a day.

March 1st, 2009, 10:41 PM
After thinking about it these past few days, I went and got out my notes from several months back where I had been brainstorming about a potential photo booth site. I think I'm going to try and do it.

I own the domain photoboothtalk.com, so that is probably what it will end up being called. The forum will probably be the first thing up and running, with the other parts of the site coming online over time. If my ideas come together, eventually it would have a news section, online store, user reviews, how tos, and company profiles, and more.

I'm certainly willing to listen to any suggestions about what the site should or should not contain. I'd also be looking for some contributors that might want to submit reviews of various equipment they own like cameras, printers, and accessories, as there is no way I can buy everything to review them.

A comparison of photo booth software could potentially be one of the first features. Most people probably know where I stand on the PSRemote vs. Photoboof issue, and I think that would be something new photo booth owners would be interested in.

Hopefully it all comes together, but I don't really have a time line for this to happen.