View Full Version : BBP 1.93: Error while unpacking, code E2...

March 2nd, 2009, 08:10 AM

Windows XP SP3. BreezeBrowser Pro registred V1.92 > Update in V1.93.

Try 2 days Ok ...

1/ Open BreezeBrowser on "D:\Canon 40D\2009-02-28" and close BBP
2/ Create an empty directory "Test" in "D:\Canon 40D" (> "D:\Canon 40D\Test") with Windows Explorer
3/ Open BBP 1.93 > Down't loading failed: Alert box "Error while unpacking program, code E2, Please report to author."

Uninstall v1.93 / Remove directory "Program Files\BreezeBrowser" / Install breezebrowser Pro 1.93 > Ditto > Down't loading failed alert box "Error while unpacking program, code E2, Please report to author."

Uninstall v1.93 / Remove directory "Program Files\BreezeBrowser" / Install breezebrowser Pro 1.92 > Loading v1.92 Ok

Chris Breeze
March 2nd, 2009, 05:15 PM
It sounds like a the bbpro193.exe setup file has not been download properly. Please try clearing your web browser's cache and downloading it again.

March 3rd, 2009, 08:39 AM
Bbpro193.exe seems correct (13 699 323 bytes). Clear web browser's cache... New download new test idem.

The installation of version 1.93 has been made without problem. After 2 days of use in the comprehensive implementation of the file I had BreezeBrowser.exe blocking this alert.

No virus ...

And ever since the deadlock with the v193 only after installation... only to launch breezebrowser.exe.

Ok with 1.92 > Nok with 1.93...

1/ Problem in the registry?
2/ Are all the files and dll breezebrowser located in the folder "Program Files\BreezeBrowserPro?

Uninstall > Delete BreezebrowserPro (in C:\program Files\BreezeSys...) > Install
BreezebrowserPro > Property > 293 Files / 45 Folder / Size 38 603 171 octets
Run BreezeBrowser.exe (size 2 146 304 octets) > Screen v1.9.3 and Alert box: Error > "Error while unpacking program, code E2, Please report to author."

Thank You

March 3rd, 2009, 02:04 PM
Could this be a problem with a security program? Kaspersky Internet Security objects to the BB Pro install file, though it does allow me to over-ride the objection.


March 3rd, 2009, 02:46 PM
Could this be a problem with a security program? .../...
VirusScan Mcafee… On or Off > ... Ditto!

Chris Breeze
March 4th, 2009, 09:48 AM
If you install BBPro v1.9.2 in one folder and BBPro v1.9.3 in another can you run either version?

March 10th, 2009, 09:20 AM
Test according to your instructions...

Windows XP SP3 With Partitioned hard drive C, D, E, F
Removable Disk G: (for backup)
and SD Card X, Y, Z

BBP v1.92 C: \ Program Files \ BreezeSystems \ BreezeBrowserPro > loading OK
BBP v1.93 C: \ Program Files \ BreezeSystems \ BreezeBrowserPro3 > loading Nok > Alert box "Error while unpacking program, code E2, Please report to author."

Base register by mail addressed…

[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-515967899-823518204-839522115-500\Software\BreezeSystems\BreezeBrowserPro\100\Pr ofiles]
"N:Canon PowerShot S50"=""
Why the letter L : and N : in [HKEY_USERS] ? Residue from the use of a removable disk ?

Thank you


Chris Breeze
March 11th, 2009, 01:11 PM
This post on the SoftwarePassport FAQ suggests that the problem may be caused by Norton AntiVirus:

Why the letter L : and N : in [HKEY_USERS] ? Residue from the use of a removable disk ?

No. it's nothing to do with removable drives. L: is the color profile preferences for linear raw conversion and N: is the preferences for normal raw conversion.

March 13th, 2009, 07:44 AM
Thank you for your information and the link to Norton.

I have McAfee VirusScan (Network Associates)... Remove this program AntiVirus > Ditto! > With v1.9.3 Alert box "Error while unpacking program, code E2, Please report to author."

It seems that I am the only one concerned, I will wait with v1.92 until a next version ...


March 13th, 2009, 06:07 PM

This doesn't sound like a problem that a program update will necessarily fix. It may well not be caused by a bug in BB Pro as such, but by an issue in your Windows installation as a whole which is impacting on BB Pro. Problems of this kind, are, unfortunately, notoriously hard to diagnose. I have just installed 1.9.3 on my Vista x64 system without issues, apart from the usual spurious warning from Kaspersky, so this is not a readily reproducible problem

Installing 1.9.3 over 1.9.2 (or vice versa), even with a deliberate uninstall between the two, will not completely remove all traces of the version that has been replaced. One thing you could try is to uninstall BB Pro (save its settings first, then delete the install folder, and (ideally) use a Registry cleaner to remove all traces of the previous install, and then (hopefully) installing from scratch.

While security programs are often implicated in issues of this kind, they aren't by any means the only cause. The real problem with them is that, if they do misbehave, they may have to be completely removed (not just uninstalled) to correct the misbehaviour. If McAfee do a removal tool, it might just be worth running that - obviously with the machine temporarily disconnected from the internet - then seeing if 1.9.3 will install.

I hope these ideas help.


Chris Breeze
March 16th, 2009, 11:51 AM
Thank you for your information and the link to Norton.

I have McAfee VirusScan (Network Associates)... Remove this program AntiVirus > Ditto! > With v1.9.3 Alert box "Error while unpacking program, code E2, Please report to author."

It seems that I am the only one concerned, I will wait with v1.92 until a next version ...


The error is generated by the software protection system and other than the link to the Software Passport forum I can find no other reference to this error code. All I can do is send a support request to the developers. What I find puzzling is BBPro v1.9.2 and BBPro v1.9.3 are protected using exactly the same version of the software and yet it only affects BBPro v1.9.3.

March 19th, 2009, 11:11 PM
In this thread (http://www.breezesys.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3181), dandill reports a similar problem with DL Pro, which seems to have been resolved. A common factor in both cases, apart from the error code, is that McAfee software is present on both systems.

Perhaps Dan's 'reboot before re-installing' approach might work in this case as well.


March 20th, 2009, 12:07 PM
Thank You Chris Breeze and DavidB...

'reboot before re-installing'

No Microsoft Update... PC without Internet connection...
Remove McAfee > Reboot > re-installing > Ditto! Error while unpacking program...
Update data McAfee > Ditto! Error while unpacking program...

In this thread, dandill reports a similar problem with DL Pro .../... As uninstalling DL Pro does not delete the registry entries…

Could not we have a Clear_all_Registry_BreezeSys?

March 20th, 2009, 01:56 PM
Remove McAfee > Reboot > re-installing > Ditto! Error while unpacking program...a
Just to be clear: What got me going again with DLPro was to uninstall DLPro, reboot Vista, and then re-install DLPro.

Dan Dill

March 20th, 2009, 02:59 PM
Yes! uninstall BBp193, uninstall McAfee, reboot (XP SP3), and then re-install BBP193 > :mad: Error E2...

uninstall BBp193, reboot (XP SP3), re-install BBP192 > OK, reboot (XP SP3), Update BBP193 > Error E2!


Edit: Reboot soft and hard > Power Off / Power On....

March 20th, 2009, 04:17 PM
Could not we have a Clear_all_Registry_BreezeSys?On the relatively rare occasions that the registry keys need to be removed, this can easily done manually, as all the major keys are in one readily identifiable place in the registry. Leaving the keys (i.e. the saved settings) in place is usually very useful when the program is uninstalled and reinstalled, so I think that Chris has got the balance right on this one.

What I was suggesting was that, in the DL Pro case, saved registry keys did not appear to be part of the problem. As to the true cause of these errors (which appear to have common features), I'm as baffled as everyone else.


May 19th, 2009, 06:03 PM
Same problem with avg if it is the problem. I installed 1.9.2 to get some work done.

May 20th, 2009, 09:37 AM
Ditto for me with V1.9.3 and VirusScan On or Off ...

I wait with v1.92 until a next version ...

May 20th, 2009, 06:46 PM
I have an Acer laptop running Windows Vista Home Premium (32 bit) and AVG (free), both fully updated. I have just installed BB Pro 1.9.3 over version 1.9 on this machine, and it runs without problems.

My guess now is that this is a 'DLL hell' problem. Oh, dear.


Chris Breeze
May 21st, 2009, 09:03 AM
One possibility is the antivirus software is incorrectly detecting a problem with the executable file and has 'healed' it by modifying the file and this is triggering the problem. Once it has modified the program turning the antivirus software on or off won't make any difference as the damage has already been done.

I don't think it is a DLL problem. I suspect something is interfering with the executable file and this is triggering the software protection's defenses because it thinks it is being hacked. I will build two versions of the next release - one using the latest version of the software protection libraries and one using the same version as BBPro 1.9.2.

Chris Breeze
May 21st, 2009, 02:37 PM
Please can you try BBPro v1.9.4 which was released today.

May 21st, 2009, 02:47 PM
Opened OK. We will let you know how it goes. 1.93 worked for a week before giving problems.


May 22nd, 2009, 08:56 AM
:) Opened OK! No error...

Many thanks!
