View Full Version : DLPro Randomly Disappears
March 25th, 2005, 04:57 AM
I'm using XP SP2 on a Dell Precision 360 (a year old) with 1GB RAM, etc etc.
I have all Sandisk CF memory cards and the Sandisk 8 in 1 USB2 card reader.
I format the cards in the my Canon 20d, and even though everything worked in the past when I used the demo (I used it for one event a while ago when I needed to be really quick), I'm having problems now. It starts downloading pictures fine, but randomly, after a picture the whole program will disappear. It doesn't show up in task manager or anywhere, the task has completely gone. If it helps you, it's set to auto-rotate, and the 'disappear' happens after it finishes rotating, but before the next picture is opened.
Chris Breeze
March 25th, 2005, 03:22 PM
I've had a lot of trouble with JPEGs from recent Canon EOS cameras not storing the JPEG thumbnail correctly making it extremely difficult to rotate the image and update the thumbnail. I fixed the problem for 1D Mark II images a while ago.
I've just tried this a couple of times with 330 large JPEGs from my 20D (half rotated 90 CCW and half rotated 90 CW) without any problems.
Are you using the latest version, Downloader Pro v1.6.2?
April 19th, 2005, 10:11 AM
I have a dell 650, dual xeon, 2 gb ram,
Canon 1d mkII, raw files w/ jpeg(s). firewire card reader(noname).
some automation - job code, IPTC date, folders plug-in active.
- DL pro 1.6.2 just crashes - no message, no hanging. it sometimes gives an access violation warning then crashes(Error: Acess violation at 0x00467578(tried to write to 0x57887EBB), program terminated) - but more often gives no warning.. and disappears.
- one thing, it always seems to do it when the card is full.
I mostly use Sandisk UltraII 2GB but have some old MD 1GB where its happened too.
it seemed to happen more often with the previous versions.. if that helps.
I would also like a feature with the folders plug-in(if somebody could help - I have no time and the extent of my experience with programming dates back 20 odd years when I was a teenager) - %J job code(any variable) into a sub-folder with the plug-in. has somebody already done that?
thanks for any help.
Chris Breeze
April 25th, 2005, 07:08 AM
Is this only happening when downloading 20D JPEGs if auto-rotate is enabled in DLPro? (I've tested this on several thousand JPEGs from my 20D and haven't had any problems).
April 25th, 2005, 08:12 AM
I don't have a 20D but a 1D mkII.
I looked at the jpegs after the crash and the last one before it crashed was NOT turned. I made a series of portraits(all vertical) and it crashed repeatedly.
It seems to happen very randomly. i.e. pic no. 27, then pic. no. 79 then pic. no.8 then pic. no. 4 then pic. 11, pic 18, - meaning : I unload the card and DLpro downloads and crashes on number 27 and so forth, after it starts(or I restart it). I've checked in the task manager and there are no indications that its hung or any signs of DLpro at all.
Please note: I shoot .cr2 and jpeg(s).
thanks - hope this helps
Chris Breeze
April 26th, 2005, 08:17 AM
I've also tested it on thousands of 1D Mark II JPEGs. There was a problem rotating JPEGs in previous versions of DLPro due to a bug in the way the 1D Mark II stores the thumbnail. I haven't been able to reproduce the problem with DLPro v1.6.2. Could you try to isolate it to a single file and let me have a copy?
April 27th, 2005, 08:54 AM
hi chris
sent you a private message with a link..
Chris Breeze
April 27th, 2005, 09:41 AM
Thanks Derek. I downloaded the files and it does look as though the crash occurred during the auto-rotate. I have tried to reproduce this using your images on three different WinXP Pro PCs and it works without crashing every time. Are you absolutely sure you're using DLPro v1.6.2 and not an earlier version?
April 27th, 2005, 07:10 PM
hi chris
yes. 1.6.2 - and I had a major issue here a few weeks ago and had to re-install EVERYTHING! so its fresh and not a re-install on top of an old version.
one thing I do notice is that mine downloads .cr2 and .jpg in alternate sequence.. i.e not ALL jpgs then ALL .cr2. but .cr2/.jpg/.cr2 - and I just made an experiment to confirm this theory.. it doesn't make any difference.. it crashed on a different .jpg too.
hope that helps..
by the way.. I saw a request for saving prefs.. all I can say is YES! its a pain when you have to start from scratch and going into the registry is really a pain and especially prone to mistakes when you're under pressure to get a job out.
Chris Breeze
April 29th, 2005, 09:55 AM
Are you shooting raw+JPEG? If so, it's best not to use auto rotate in DLPro if you want to display raw+JPEG images in BB or BBPro as pair. What will happen is the orientation information will be read from the raw file and the already rotated JPEG will be rotated again for display.
May 8th, 2005, 04:13 PM
I have also just had this start happening today. I suspect it might be caused by a new Windows hotfix or something similar.
I say that because I have two memory cards here, one that I downloaded all the files from last week and one that I shot today. I just tried to run DLPro on the card from last week and on the one I shot today. On both cards it was silently failing when auto-rotating.
I sucessfully downloaded from one of these cards earlier this week (i.e. I successfully downloaded the files that are still on it, which will now NOT download). In the meantime I have not changed anything to do with DLPro, I think there was a Windows update hotfix of some sort this week.
My camera is a Canon 10D, reader is a Transcend CF PCCard, Transcend 512Mb CF card, Dell Latitude D600 laptop with XPPro SP2, DLPro 1.6.2.
BBPro is still having no problems auto-rotating exactly the same files that DLPro can't handle.
Chris Breeze
May 9th, 2005, 12:56 PM
Perhaps it is something to do with other apps installed on your system or Windows updates. There have been a few reports of problems with 1D Mark II and 20D raw files and I did find some errors in the way the cameras write the JPEG thumbnails, but this is the first time I have heard of any problems with 10D JPEGs. BBPro and DLPro use virtually the same code to rotate JPEGs and so it is strange that you can rotate them with one and not the other.
I will continue to try to locate the problem but it is very difficult when I can't reproduce the problem on my systems.
May 9th, 2005, 03:33 PM
I will continue to try to locate the problem but it is very difficult when I can't reproduce the problem on my systems.
I understand entirely, fixing bugs you can't see happen yourself is my least favourite development job.
Is there any kind of debug logging in DLPro that can be turned on to try and track down the problem ?
I only normally use DLPro on my laptop, I'll try and find some time to install it on one of my other machines to see if it has problems there as well.
May 10th, 2005, 05:51 PM
Its happening to me also and it wasn't before
I was running 1.5; when it started happening (that is the program dl 20 files or so and then disappearing) I upgraded to 1.6.2, but it didn't get better.
The only thing that changed on my system, besides the Windows updates and NAV's updates, was that I went from 512K ram to 2gig.
I also updated an Epson print driver.
Please let me know if I can help further, its a killer issue right now.
May 10th, 2005, 06:04 PM
Running Win2k. Camera is 20D. When the program ends, it sometimes leaves duplicate files with the .jpg1 extension.
May 11th, 2005, 12:28 PM
been catching up since I've been away for awhile..
considering that its now happening more frequently with different set-ups, could it really be a memory leak or windows programming change? I checked my event logs and it seems the database engine(wuauclt) goes on and off(maybe the indexing system?).. just an idea?
chris: I do shoot cr2+jpg(s) - always. but I don't use BB(although I bought it :eek: tried it but I'm way more comfortable in PS) so specifically, I don't have the problem of double rotation.
thanks again for your efforts
May 11th, 2005, 04:45 PM
I believe wuauclt is the Windows automatic updates client.
May 12th, 2005, 01:50 AM
One other system change I recently made......
I installed Googles Desktop Search.
Does that have any cominality with yr. system?
Chris Breeze
May 12th, 2005, 07:02 AM
I still can't reproduce this on any of my systems and so I've created a version which writes debug information to a log file. The debug version can be downloaded from www.breezesys.com/downloads/Downloader20050511.zip.
The ZIP file contains a single file, Downloader20050511.exe, which should be copied to the DLPro installation folder and then run by double-clicking on it in Windows Explorer. Debug information is saved to the file C:\Downloader.log. If you can reproduce the problem please send a copy of the log file to
[email protected].
Please do not download this file unless you are having problems with DLPro crashing when JPEG auto-rotate is selected and you want to help trace the problem. This version should help narrow down the problem but it may take a few debug iterations to fix it.
May 12th, 2005, 09:03 AM
hi chris
just tried the debug version w/files from yesterday. it crashed several times yesterday, on the same files - and it worked without a hitch! after it downloaded the whole 2gb card w/o crashing - well I thought, i'd try it with reinserting the card(the card was in the reader already). it crashed! but I then wanted to send you the log file and realized it hadn't written a log file because it was the normal exe file that was running and not the debug version.
did this a couple times.. seems to work - with the debug version. another thing is the thumbnail check you have in the download dialog.. is that a new thing for the next update? because I don't have it in mine..
made me think that maybe(I don't want to insult) that the compiled version that we downloaded has a fault?
ps: wuauclt-yup.stupid me.. :rolleyes:
Chris Breeze
May 12th, 2005, 12:29 PM
Thanks for testing this, Derek. Please can you try it for a while with different cards and let me know if it is still OK?
I'm not aware of any problems in building the last release - it's the version I've been running on my laptop since January. The thumbnail display during download is a new feature for the next release.
May 12th, 2005, 04:08 PM
hi chris
been trying about a dozen times now.. and I can't get the debug version to crash.. :( just got back from a job and DLPRO(1.6.2) autostarted and it crashed!! started the DL(debug version) manually and it downloaded perfectly. -beats the hell outta me.. but I would say that there is SOMETHING different about the debug version vs. 1.6.2, maybe you can just release this version as is so it'll autostart??? I'd certainly be satisfied w/o finding out what is wrong with 1.6.2..
will keep trying..
May 13th, 2005, 03:19 AM
I can get the 1.6.2 to fail but only under system load.
That is running google's indexer, photoshop, bridge and downloader....with downloader minimized.
Turning anything off, makes 1.6.2 work fine.
I can't get the test version to fail at all. Timing issue?
I was wondering if you write a file, then try to open it again and assume it will be available and not error check if it is busy. If GDS has grabbed it forindexing it, it may not be available to you. Just a thought.
May 13th, 2005, 03:21 AM
I didn't see the previews while downloading on the test version.
Is it an xp thing, I'm running w2k. Or a switch I missed?
Chris Breeze
May 13th, 2005, 06:55 AM
The debug version has a checkbox on the download dialog to show thumbnails when downloading.
Another user is still having problems with it crashing and has sent me a log file. I will analyze the results and try to narrow down the problem.
Chris Breeze
May 13th, 2005, 11:26 AM
I'm wondering whether the problem is caused by indexing software running on the PC which is interfering when DLPro tries to delete the temporary file after rotating the JPEG. If you're having the problem could you try turning off any indexing software to see if that makes a difference?
May 13th, 2005, 02:59 PM
hi chris
I actually don't have any indexing except the windows ntfs indexing. and I've been trying every sec. I can and I can't get the debug version to crash..
I've now renamed the debug version so that'll autostart when inserting and after several tries(4-5), it doesn't crash.. maybe I should congratulate you?!
May 13th, 2005, 03:00 PM
It could easily be that. With the indexer I don't think you can assume you can delete that file...the indexer may have grabbed it. Can you put a wait delay and try again a few times or something like that? Writing the log file on the debug version could alter the timing so that the temp file is available when you try to delete it.
I wonder if the other fellow is running GDS.
Chris Breeze
May 13th, 2005, 05:22 PM
Here's a version that should be more resistant to interference from indexing programs. It will run slower if it tries to delete or rename files and finds another process has locked them.
May 13th, 2005, 11:34 PM
Downloader20050513.zip seems to be a winner, Chris.
I can't get it to fail. Many thanks.
I hope derek reports the same.
BTW, I think the reason that the indexing grab hasn't effected more programs is that the indexer is only indexing files with certain extensions. Another workaround for you would be to use an uncommon file name internal to yr. work and then only rename it to .jpg when you are done, done.
Chris Breeze
May 16th, 2005, 06:57 AM
Thanks for testing this. It does sound as though the problem is caused by indexing apps (the other user who reported problems is using Google and Picasa).
The file is downloaded first and then rotated if required and so it is difficult to avoid using the .JPG extension.
I need to wait for a couple of other users to confirm that the problem has been fixed before releasing an update.
May 16th, 2005, 10:14 AM
seems to work after a dozen tries.. but so did the debug version.. so I guess its fixed. that's comforting - so I don't have to go and double check if everythings downloaded properly.
btw - what about the feature to save preferences? and tokens for the directores plug-ins?(or is that up to the developer for the plug-in?)
again thanks a lot for your efforts!
Chris Breeze
May 17th, 2005, 07:25 AM
Unfortunately the other user is still reporting problems. He says the problem goes away if he pauses Google Desktop Search. I'll have to download Google Desktop Search and do some testing.
May 18th, 2005, 09:22 AM
I'll chime in to say that DLPro no longer dissappears for me too.
Copied about 5-6 cards, and 8gb from my image bank without issues.
Don't have picasa or google desktop search though.
Chris Breeze
May 20th, 2005, 09:35 AM
I've now tested DLPro v1.6.2 with Google Desktop Search and it does crash when rotating JPEGs. Unofrtunately it doesn't appear to be possible to tell Google not to index temporary files and so I've added code in DLPro to wait and retry if the temporary file is locked (because Google is indexing it). Ideally Google should have options allowing you to speficy file extensions which shouldn't be indexed (you can only specify directories you don't want indexed).
These changes are available in Downloader Pro v1.7 alpha 2 which can be downloaded from:
This version also supports the use of tokens in plug-ins (the dirmaker plug-in has been updated to use this) and adds a new token %r7.
May 20th, 2005, 09:50 AM
hi chris!
wow! thanks! the tokens work great. and it seems to work without crashing.
can you maybe tell us what "%r7" is.. I tried it out and gave me a counting directory starting with 02309_ but the folder was empty..
thanks again.. you're the best!
Chris Breeze
May 20th, 2005, 03:39 PM
%r7 is explained in the help files. It takes the first digit of the folder, subtracts 1 and then concatenates the 4-digit image number.
e.g. for \DCIM\123CANON\IMG_2345.JPG %r7=12345
The reason for this is the folder numbering starts from 100 and the second two digits of the folder number are the same as the first two digits of the image number. By using %r7 you can number your images from 00001 to 99999.
May 23rd, 2005, 10:47 PM
I've downloaded the new version and am still getting crashes. Is there a way to know the last thing it was doing when it crashes? I'm trying to download about 3600 images from a wedding and it's been taking me all day trying over and over again. It seems pretty random as to when it does it.
Perhaps it's trying to rotate a corrupt file? Is there a way to ensure that you get an error message and skip that file rather than crap out completely?
May 23rd, 2005, 11:02 PM
Perhaps it's trying to rotate a corrupt file? Is there a way to ensure that you get an error message and skip that file rather than crap out completely?
Yep definitely the rotation still killing it. When i turn off autorotate, it went off without a hitch. I'm rotating Canon 20D and 1DMkII images. No google indexing going on.
Chris Breeze
May 24th, 2005, 08:24 AM
Google Desktop Indexing is one app that caused the problem with DLPro v1.6.2 and there may be others. What was happening was it was indexing the temporary file and locking it which prevented DLPro from renaming it after rotation. The updated version of DLPro waits a while and retries (a few times) if it finds it can't delete or rename the files.
Any app which monitors the disk for new files and accesses them could cause similar problems.
The only ways to trace the problem are to reproduce it here and run a debugger on it or create a version of DLPro which logs what is doing on your system.
BBPro doesn't appear to be affected by this problem and so you could download then using DLPro without auto-rotate and then auto-rotate using BBPro after downloading. This might be faster than re-trying after DLPro has crashed if you have a large number of files to download.
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