View Full Version : specific IPTC data for each file

March 25th, 2005, 07:21 AM
When I download CR2 files from a card reader, IPTC data are batch embeded in all files.

I would like embed specific IPTC data for each image.
I know that I can select each image and download only this selected image. But, when I do this, I cannot look each image during IPTC data writing (I need to see image to write caption...). I can have a look on thumbnail but, when thumbnail is open, I cannot update IPTC data...

What is the best workflow ?

After downolading, I use iView Media Pro and Photoshop CS.


Chris Breeze
March 25th, 2005, 03:30 PM
The best way is probably to use DLPro to embed the generic IPTC data common to all images (location, copyright etc.) and then use BreezeBrowser Pro to add the specific caption data after downloading.

March 26th, 2005, 01:07 PM
Thanks for your answer. So, I have downloaded Breeze Browser...
Your suggestion works well, but I notice a strange result when I look at IPTC data in Potoshop CS :

- For IPTC "generic" data créated with Downloader Pro :
OK in Photoshop XMP pannels (Ctrl-Alt-I) AND in Metadata Tab (Photoshop Browser)

- For IPTC "specific" data updated from generic data with Breeze Browser :
OK in Photoshop XMP pannels (Ctrl-Alt-I) BUT not updated in Metadata Tab (Photoshop Browser) !

Do you know why ?

PS : generic AND updated IPTC data created with Downloader Pro and Breeze Browser are OK in iView Media Pro...


Chris Breeze
March 29th, 2005, 09:51 AM
Adobe are moving to XMP for storing IPTC data but still support the old Photoshop 3 to Photoshop 7 method of storing it. I think Photoshop CS reads both formats whereas their browser only reads the XMP version. Hopefully Adobe will fix this in the next release.