View Full Version : AutoHotKey: Trying to add a secret "Esc" button
July 29th, 2009, 02:19 AM
I am trying to add a hidden area on the screen that can be used to exit out of full screen mode but it doesn't seem that one of the programs likes my callout:
else if (ypos > 392 && ypos
key = ^4
text = 4 copies of prints selected
else if (ypos > 489 && ypos
key = Escape
text = Exit
else if (ypos > 622)
; user pressed at the bottom of the screen to select B&W or color
if (xpos > 696 && xpos
I threw the surrounding text to show where i used it.
Any ideas?
July 29th, 2009, 03:00 AM
else if (ypos > 489 && ypos
key = Escape
text = Exit
Is the second closing brace meant to be there?
July 29th, 2009, 05:29 AM
instead of having:
key = Escape
it should be:
sendinput {Escape}
This is a nice little add-on you other folks might want to consider!
Chris Breeze
July 29th, 2009, 09:32 AM
I think it's probably a bit too specialized to include as an input option in the app itself.
BTW the fullscreen photobooth window is named "Breeze Systems Photobooth" and so you can use the AutoHotkey WinActivate command to ensure that it has input focus before sending the keypress e.g.
WinActivate,Breeze Systems Photobooth
Sleep 50
sendinput {Escape}
May 27th, 2013, 02:56 PM
I am trying to add a hidden area on the screen that can be used to exit out of full screen mode but it doesn't seem that one of the programs likes my callout:
I threw the surrounding text to show where i used it.
Any ideas?
Could you solve this problem? How?
Chris Breeze
May 28th, 2013, 11:58 AM
You could use something like this:
#SingleInstance force
#IfWinActive, Breeze Systems Photobooth
MouseGetPos, xPos, yPos
if (xPos > 800 && xPos 500 && yPos
ControlSend,,{Escape},Breeze Systems Photobooth
Click %xPos%, %yPos%
May 29th, 2013, 10:54 AM
Thanks Chris.
May 31st, 2013, 09:17 PM
Just curious, I programmed a secret spot on my touch screen to exit the photo booth full screen. What is the benefit of using autohotkey vs the touch screen button?
Chris Breeze
June 1st, 2013, 11:52 AM
Just curious, I programmed a secret spot on my touch screen to exit the photo booth full screen. What is the benefit of using autohotkey vs the touch screen button?
You're right, there's no benefit using the AutoHotKey script instead of the built-in touchscreen action. However, the AutoHotKey script technique could be useful if you want to add special actions or sequences which aren't covered by the standard touchscreen actions.
June 1st, 2013, 01:32 PM
Just curious, I programmed a secret spot on my touch screen to exit the photo booth full screen. What is the benefit of using autohotkey vs the touch screen button?
Hello. Can you explain me how did you do that spot?
Chris Breeze
June 3rd, 2013, 09:03 AM
Set the "Start options:" dropdown list in the photobooth settings dialog to "Touchscreen" then click on the "Settings..." button on the right to display the "Touchscreen Settings" dialog. Then set one of the actions to "Exit fullscreen photobooth" (the last option in the list) and then define the area that should trigger it using the left, top, right and bottom settings e.g. if the computer has a screen resolution of 1366x768 pixels and you want to define the area in the bottom right hand corner you could use left=1266, top=668, right=1366, bottom=768.
June 3rd, 2013, 02:27 PM
Set the "Start options:" dropdown list in the photobooth settings dialog to "Touchscreen" then click on the "Settings..." button on the right to display the "Touchscreen Settings" dialog. Then set one of the actions to "Exit fullscreen photobooth" (the last option in the list) and then define the area that should trigger it using the left, top, right and bottom settings e.g. if the computer has a screen resolution of 1366x768 pixels and you want to define the area in the bottom right hand corner you could use left=1266, top=668, right=1366, bottom=768.
Thank you very much.
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