View Full Version : startup at launch: keep focus on full screen?

July 31st, 2009, 07:52 AM
I have a few programs set to start (in addition to PSRemote) when windows boots up. They include Hamachi and RealVNC so I can remote access the machines from afar.

The problem I am having is that after PSRemote launches, the other programs do as well and steal the screen focus. If the program went into full screen mode at launch, I see the windows menu bar at the very least and a client can't start a photo session with the button (f4 via ipac) until I go into the back of the booth and click the mouse onto the photo booth full screen to give it focus.


Is there a little batch file or somthing else that could guarantee me that focus is restored to PSREMOTE once all other startup processes/programs have been started?

Chris Breeze
July 31st, 2009, 09:20 AM
You could do this with an AutoHotkey script e.g.

WinActivate,Breeze Systems Photobooth

August 24th, 2009, 05:07 AM
Instaed of puting the programs you want to launch in the "startup" folder in the start button, put them in the "run" section of the registry.

Put them in the order you want them to start. This may work.

If you have no idea how to do this, then this method is not for you.