View Full Version : Printer question

September 29th, 2009, 06:28 AM
I'm using an Olympus P-11 sub-dye printer and when the pictures print up, the print dialogue box stays up until it finishes printing. I cannot start another photo booth session until the dialogue box closes. Does anybody have this similar problem with their printer (p-11 or not)? Thanks!


September 29th, 2009, 02:05 PM
I've never had that issue. I use a Sony UP-CX1, and I never even get a printer dialog box. I see the little printer icon pop up in the corner of the task bar of my inside monitor (not the screen the photobooth mode is running on), but that is all. On mine, you can start a new session as soon as the screen says ready, which is usually a second or so before the printing has even started on the last photo.

Do you have two monitors on your booth, or is the dialog box popping up over the photo booth screen? If it appears on the same screen as the photo booth, I wonder if the dialog box becomes the active window and PSRemote can't accept any inputs until the dialog box closes.

September 29th, 2009, 06:31 PM
you have to delete the printer status program , I think it is P11.exe, but dont' quote me its been a long time since I used that jamming printer.