October 26th, 2009, 03:01 AM
Chris we are operating 3 booths using DSLR Remote & the biggest complaint that we get back from the punters is that they don't know exactly when the photo is being taken. Our "taking" screen says FREEZE each side at the top of our screen & as you will recall we tried using the blank screen but we still get people wanting an indication of the shutter opening. I guess we can't satisfy everyone but I am asking you for your thoughts on this matter. Personally I wonder why they don't get it as it is or am I too close to the operation to understand their concerns.
Does anyone else have a better way? I even tried a sound file to back up the taking screen but the background noise drowned it out.
Does anyone else have a better way? I even tried a sound file to back up the taking screen but the background noise drowned it out.