View Full Version : min PC spec

June 14th, 2010, 04:47 PM
forgive me if I've overlooked it, I have a dig around but not found the minimum PC specs for running PSremote.

I was planning on using my netbook, on a trial it works fine but I'm more inclined to put a dedicated PC into my prototype booth (firmly under construction)

I've an old P3 733mhz machine kicking about but I fear that'might as well be kicked out. Otherwise I was going to have look at 2nd hand PC's, the chassis can be ripped to the minimum and might be a good start.

Failing that, I've been looking at the evermore popular Atom powered mini PC units. The type that you can stick on the back of a TV for couch surfing.

Any suggestions welcome there.


June 15th, 2010, 12:15 AM
Hey Rob,
I use one of those "popular Atom powered mini PC units. The type that you can stick on the back of a TV for couch surfing." And it seems to work fine. It has many advantages, runs very cool, consumes very little electricity and it has a bunch of USB ports as well as an HDMI. I use it with a 15" touch screen and I love it.

Chris Breeze
June 15th, 2010, 08:15 AM
Any PC capable of running Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 which has USB ports should run PSRemote. An old PC with USB 1.1 (or an old PowerShot camera that only has USB 1.1) will take longer to download each photo - 10 to 30 secs vs 2 to 3 secs for USB 2.0. A slower PC will also take longer to format the strip for printing. The speed of the printer will also make a difference - a good dyesub printer can print a 6x4 page in under 10 secs whereas some printers can take up to a minute. There's not much point having a super fast PC that can format the images for printing in less than a second if it takes the printer 60 secs to print it.

June 15th, 2010, 02:30 PM
thanks guys.

Fair comment on what's needed for the hardware used.
I'm using a G10 and Mitsubishi DyeSub.

I've just found a tiny system that's got vista home basic (license is dirt cheap)
Atom powered with 2gb RAM and 160gb HD.
It's purely for booth use so should be just perfect.

255 Euro, can't be bad.