View Full Version : Black & White

Tim Scharbius
October 18th, 2011, 06:36 PM
My touchscreen offers the guests the choice of color or B&W. When a BW session is shot, the individual pic's
saved in the folder are color, not BW....Any way to change that?

When customers go to my sales gallery the next day, they can only purchase their session of photos in color, not BW like they were taken.

October 18th, 2011, 06:42 PM
I don't think there is a way in the program to do that, but if you are at all familiar with photoshop you can run a batch and have them all Black and white and then offer the customer both color or black and white even if they chose color in the booth. Probably not what you had in mind but just throwing out an option.

October 19th, 2011, 04:17 AM
Hi Tim,
I think this thread will explain most of what you are trying to do. https://breezesysforum.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?4513-BLack-and-White-photo-s-not-saving-as-b-w&highlight=saving+b%2Fw Otherwise most gallery hosting sites offer an option for clients buying photos to choose B/W from a color print. So basically to save in B/W you need to use camera or user profiles in your touchscreen settings. I find it much easier to save in color and post edit if needed for the customer as it is much easier to create a B/W photo from color than it is to create a color photo from B/W.