View Full Version : Hot Folder Prints jpg resolution

November 11th, 2011, 11:59 AM
I have noticed that when uploading to Facebook and/or twitter the output jpg from HFP, the quality of the photo changes by the social networks and it looks more distorted and pixelized. Is it possible to get the option to chose the output of the photo from jpg, tiff, png files? Or any other solution available?


Chris Breeze
November 11th, 2011, 02:37 PM
It depends what the site is doing to the images. Unless the site supports the display of lossless formats like TIFF or PNG you probably won't gain much by uploading in these formats because the site will convert the image to JPEG and resize anyway. Your best bet is to use the custom size setting in Hotfolder Prints to create JPEGs which are the right size for the site you're uploading to so that it doesn't have to resize them. I think the maximum size allowed by Facebook is 720x720 pixels.