View Full Version : DSLR RP- Camera/DSLRP mysteriously switched camera mode to "user-2" during PB

November 29th, 2011, 07:49 PM
Canon T3i
DSLRP v2,2.3.1
Windows 7 (running on MacBook Pro bootcamp partition)
Stealth switch two button interface (no touchscreen). "F2" and "F3" commands for B&W and Color modes respectively.
here are the two AHK scripts the booth runs...


; loop forever monitoring the status of the photobooth screen by looking
; at the window title which is in the form:
; Breeze Systems Photobooth -
LookForReady = 1
IfWinExist, Breeze Systems Photobooth
WinGetTitle, Title, Breeze Systems Photobooth
if Title contains ready.jpg
; Photobooth is displaying ready screen - are we looking for ready.jpg?
if LookForReady
; yes, photobooth has just switched from processing.jpg to ready.jpg
LookForReady = 0
WinActivate, Breeze Systems Photobooth
if Title contains video_ready
; switch from video booth mode back to stills photo booth mode
Send ^p
; Switch back to color mode
Send ^c

; reset the number of copies back to 1
Send ^1
else if Title contains processing.jpg
; Photobooth is displaying ready screen - start looking for ready.jpg
LookForReady = 1
LookForReady = 1
Sleep 100 ; sleep for 1/10th sec to avoid hogging the processor


; Start photobooth shooting sequence when any of the following keys are pressed
; (Works even if the photobooth window doesn't have input focus)
IfWinExist, Breeze Systems Photobooth
ControlSend,,{F3},Breeze Systems Photobooth

IfWinExist, Breeze Systems Photobooth
ControlSend,,{F2},Breeze Systems Photobooth

IfWinExist, Breeze Systems Photobooth
ControlSend,,{F6},Breeze Systems Photobooth



After a dozen gigs with this setup running flawlessly... Somehow 2 hours into a party the software/camera switch from the Canon T3i "Picture Style" from "standard" (which we have always used) to "User Def.2- Monochrome".
The result- both color and b&w stealth switch commands started sequence under "user def. 2" (which outputted all high contrast B&W photo strips).
Note: the camera and printer cabinet was getting quite warm at this point, but why would that cause this?

What may have caused this?


Chris Breeze
November 30th, 2011, 10:19 AM
The keyboard shortcut to select user 2 picture style is Ctrl+F2. What might be happening is the first script starts sending Ctrl+C and Ctrl+1 at the end of the shooting sequence at the same time as the user presses the StealthSwitch button programmed to send F2. Combining the two scripts and programming the StealthSwitch to use a different keycode should fix the problem.

As a safety measure you could also add something to reset the picture style after each sequence e.g.
Control, ChooseString, Standard, ComboBox13, DSLR Remote Pro for Windows

December 1st, 2011, 04:28 AM
Thanks for the insight Chris.