View Full Version : Custom Template Issue....Please Help!
December 3rd, 2011, 12:49 AM
Hello all,
I am need of help as i am testing my template for a gig tomorrow. My two angled (rotated) pictures is putting some white spaces and ridges. Not sure why the issue is with those two that are angled and not the regular square like the red gift box below.
I am using fotofusion and here are the coordinates i use to put into the breeze custom settings:
blue - x=333, y=244, w=611, H=376, angle=9
green - x=1160, y=192, w=611, H=382, angle= -10 of course the negative 10 changes in breeze to 350 after you save it.
Can anyone please help me as i cannot figure out why its doing this?
thank you in advance for any help,
DSLR Pro 2.3
win7 64bit
December 3rd, 2011, 05:40 AM
Subtract some pixels off of you 7 coordinate and if you get a space on the bottom add pixels to the height. And do the same thing for the other. Hope that helps. Like the overlay too nice job. If your willing share send the me background. And good luck on your event.
December 3rd, 2011, 05:58 AM
@ jfreeman - thanks for the reply. i dont think adding/subtracting the pixels will help. for some reason its dropping the frames/pictures lower as you can see at the image below. i did a test using only the background.jpg.
thanks for the compliment on my layout.
Did you mean you want the layout to test or have?
December 3rd, 2011, 06:16 AM
You should use that as a overlay.png and cut out the areas where the pictures will be....If you send me the background image and the .xml settings file I can get you going.
Otherwise try this:
blue - x=310 y=210, w=640, H=400, angle=9
green - x=1145, y=160, w=630, H=400, angle= -10
And post your results.
December 3rd, 2011, 08:02 AM
here is the result from the coordinates you provided.
blue has still have some whites spaces on the top
green has spaces little on left side and some on top
where should i send you the background.jpg and xml file.
thank you
December 3rd, 2011, 01:56 PM
Sorry man I got a gig this morning but...keep playing with those. Your x coordinate is how far you are from the left side of the page and your y coordinate is how far you are from the top of the page. So if you need your pictures to go up, take off some the pixels on the y coodinate, if you need them to go left subtract some to the x coordinates. And vise versa. If you need your pictures to go down add some pixels to the y coordinate and if you need to go right add some pixels from the x coordinate.
And if you can get the top and left hand side of your picture to line up and there is still space that needs to be filled on the bottom and on the right hand side add pixels to the Height and Width until you get it to how you want it.
December 3rd, 2011, 05:48 PM
thanks jfreeman for your help and explanation. i think i got it now.
December 3rd, 2011, 07:41 PM
No problem god bless.
February 22nd, 2013, 03:30 AM
I'm looking for some help with being able to create square layouts instead of the typical portrait and landscape. I will be using square or almost square for photo strips and 4x6 prints. What is the best way for me to do this ? Once I do this will I simply manually adjust my live view to match the layout or is there a way of automatically creating a live view that is square also. I'm more than happy to pay someone for their help. I would like to continue using Breeze if possible. If not is there another photo booth software that offers this option ?
February 22nd, 2013, 01:34 PM
that's easy
just choose file --> photobooth settings and then
use 3 rows and 2 collums for your layout
and check the box that says crop images to fit toward the bottom of the photobooth settings screen..
use the keyboard short cuts to shirnk the live view so it is square.
they are in the help file
have fun.
Chris Breeze
February 25th, 2013, 10:04 AM
You can use the custom layout option if you need more control over the layout. Set the width and height to the same values to crop the images square.
Then use Shift+cursor left/right or Shift+mouse wheel to adjust the cropping of the live view images. You can use the "Crop size=x" display in the bottom right cormer of the screen to set the crop size exactly. The value is the value in pixels removed from each side of the live view image. To calculate the value required for square images for a particular camera first look up the live view image size for your camera on this page: http://www.breezesys.com/DSLRRemotePro/liveviewfinder.htm
Then subtract the height from the width and divide by 2.
e.g. 650D/Rebel T4i live view size is 960 x 640 pixels
subtracting the height (640) from the the width (960) gives 320
dividing by 2 gives 160 which is the value you need to use for the crop size.
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