View Full Version : Briefly show photos after they've been taken?
March 1st, 2012, 05:43 AM
After a series of photos is taken, is it possible to have a screen come up for people to see their images, either briefly on a timer..or with an area for touch screen input where the client would 'touch' to end their session, and the software would revert back to "ready"?
Thanks :)
Chris Breeze
March 1st, 2012, 10:03 AM
You can display each photo after it is taken by setting the "Image preview time" or you can preview the printed output by selecting the "Ask for confirmation before printing" option.
March 1st, 2012, 03:33 PM
what I am passing on here is completely my own opinion and may or may not be relevant to you or your market and the types of events you do.
Having done this a while now, i would not show guests their images inside the booth and let them "approve" them, "retake" them or even just see them. The amount of extra time this would take/cost can't have a benefit IMO. I would fear a group being in there for infinite amounts if time while they debate how their hair looks, comment and chastise each other for their eyes being closed and so on. How would you manage those who won't accept what they see on the screen? Those who are waiting on those who won't accept what they see on the screen?
It's a photo booth. No do-overs frame by frame. No frame by frame approval. It's fate and karma at play. That is the fun part. The entertainment. It's not a portrait session.
Just because the technology exists to do this does not mean we should. One of my main selling points is that we gently but firmly control the flow of guests in and out of the booth. This way I can promise to get 50-60 trips per hour. If I offered to let guests see the frames inside the booth and choose/edit them... that may fall to 20-30 trips or less. Now your 2 hour gig only gets you 40-60 final prints instead of 100-120, and I end up with a lineup at closing time of guests who still want to go through. Or an event full of people who walk away and feel "it takes too long to go through" If my fee is $500, the host has paid ~ $10 per final print vs. ~ $5
I would see that affecting future business as well. Just my take on this.
March 1st, 2012, 10:47 PM
hi Lorne,
I disagree slightly. The previews are great - and always cause all the laughs - this is what in some respects differentiates us from the passport style booths, and makes us 'an event booth'. I've never used that last preview though as you are right it would cause delays (just like on the video we don't tend to use the reject/accept feature).
However, a preview at the end of the session quickly showing the print (with the right overlay) would be a good added feature without giving the choise of accept/reject.
March 1st, 2012, 11:06 PM
I agree on the purpose of the preview, just not the delivery. I use a 23" LCD outside the booth and run an ongoing sideshow that although not a PREview, does the job for me. People usually linger after their session to watch their picture come up on the slideshow. Plus they have their print by then.
I also agree on the event atmosphere... I just don't feel it should all happen inside the booth.
This is what works best for me.
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