View Full Version : Photobooth Coin acceptor and profiles
March 21st, 2012, 11:27 AM
Hi, hoping someone can help. I am using the coin acceptor autohotkey script to ensure that money is entered to start the booth which is then started by using a touchscreen. the problem I am having is that when I try to use profiles to allow people the option to upload the photos to facebook or just receieve the hard copies. I was going to do this by just having a screen with two different options that saves the photos to 2 different folders which can then be uploaded later ie I have set up 2 profiles one which saves it as normal (this is profile 1 with the touchscreen settings set to start the photobooth (if they want hard copies) and the right hand side of this screen gives people the option to select profile 2 (which will select profile 2 to save the photos in a different folder). This works fine apart from when the auto hot key is running people are able to touch the right hand side of the screen (on the welcome.jpg image) and the profile 2 will start without them having to enter in the money. So to recap they are greeted by the welcome.jpg (which says "enter 3 here") and are able to touch the right hand side of this screen to start profile 2 without having to enter in the money ie select the "select profile 2 action" the left hand side of the screen ie the "start photobooth" still requires them to enter the money. It works fine if I remove the 2 profiles and have the touchsceeen settings as "start photobooth" so can only put it down to the touchscreen settings for "select profile "....so confused as to what to do, hope I explained the situation correctly.
March 23rd, 2012, 11:06 AM
Anyone? Please am really stuck here
Chris Breeze
March 23rd, 2012, 05:37 PM
I'm struggling to follow your description but I think the problem may be the touchscreen settings saved with profile 2. Please try loading profile 2 and checking the touchscreen settings. Check for a "Reactivate live view (F6)" action and if one is defined you need to remove it and save the profile. Reactivating live view (or pressing F6) switches the booth from standby mode to ready mode and will bypass the coin acceptor.
March 25th, 2012, 10:10 PM
Chris thanks for your reply. I am using webcam photobooth software where would I find reference to "Reactivate live view (F6)" on this? thanks
Chris Breeze
March 26th, 2012, 11:43 AM
You can display the touchscreen settings by clicking on the "Display" tab in the photobooth settings dialog and then clicking on the "Touchscreen Settings..." button. The touchscreen settings are saved with the other photo booth settings and so if you are using different profiles you need to check that the touchscreen settings are set correctly before saving the settings.
April 3rd, 2012, 01:42 PM
Hi Chris, not having too much luck here. think its best if I explain the whole thing again and properly this time:
I have set up a coin operated photobooth, that runs using webcam photobooth software
I have an autohotkey coin acceptor script running that switches it from welcome.jpg to ready.jpg when the correct amount is entered (ie from standby mode to ready mode)
Ready.jpg is my default profile 1 which allows the user to touch the left of the screen to "start photobooth" on the touchscreen settings (no facebook upload) or the right of the screen to "select profile 2" on the touchscreen settings (upload to facebook)
The problem I am having is that when it is standby mode the users are able to activate the booth by touching the right of the screen that selects profile 2 without having to put in the money. But the "start photobooth" portion of the screen will not allow them to start until the money is entered (which is obviously what I want). So the touchscreen settings are stragely only working for me with the coin acceptor if I have only one option which is "start photobooth"
I have tried to use nomousey to remove their ability to select on welcome.jpg until they are on the ready.jpg screen but to no avail
There is also no reference to reactivate line view in the touchscreen settings. Where am I going wrong? Any advice is much appreciated
April 3rd, 2012, 02:40 PM
Are you saying that if you define touchscreen actions for "start photobooth" and "load profile 2" that you can select profile 2 when it is in standby mode? On my system in standby mode all touchscreen actions and key presses except F6/reactivate live view are ignored.
April 3rd, 2012, 05:31 PM
yes that exactly it, I have defined touchscreen actions for "start photobooth" and "load profile 2" and users can select profile 2 when it is in standby mode. I have tested this by creating a third profile and have the settings then changed to "selcect profile 1" and "select profile 2" and with this one both "select profile 1 and "select profile 2" can be accessed in standby mode. The only touchscreen setting that doesnt allow access is the "start photobooth" one. Any ideas?
April 4th, 2012, 09:12 PM
What version are you using please?
April 5th, 2012, 12:14 AM
I am running webcam photobooth v1.3.2 (the latest release) should I roll back a few versions? The problem only occurs for the touchscreen "Select profile" settings all other setting cannot be accessed while in standby mode. I am also using {photoboothsubdir} references in the profiles but presume this wouldn't have an effect. any ideas?
Chris Breeze
April 7th, 2012, 03:12 PM
I was out of the office last week and wasn't able to check this properly. When the booth is in standby mode you can select a profile and the booth will load the profile and automatically switch to the ready screen. This is useful for some setups but not what you want if you're using the coin acceptor script, a touchscreen and profiles. There is another way you could do it:
1) Create profile 1 which has no touchscreen actions defined, live view disabled and uses the "waiting for money" photobooth images folder. Set this up as the default profile so that the booth always returns to it after each shooting sequence
2) Create profile 2 as a "ready to shoot" profile which will be used when the user has put in the correct amount of money
3) Program the StealthSwitch input connected to the coin acceptor to send Shift+Ctrl+2 to select profile 2
Doing it this way you don't need a separate script to monitor the screens and handle the coin acceptor input.
April 10th, 2012, 01:53 PM
Chris thanks so much for all your replies. Just want to confirm what it is im exactly doing. So in order to give the user two options (for facebook upload (profile 3) or non facebook upload(profile 4), I do the following:
1. Disable the coin acceptor script that is running (not required any more)
2. Set profile 1 with no touchscreen and disable live view (this is my waiting for money screen)
3. When relay sent from coin acceptor program the stealth switch to send Shift+Ctrl+2
4. Profile 2 then starts and can set the touchscreen settings on this to 1. "touch here for facebook upload "(which switches to profile 3 to save the photos in a folder ive created called facebook) and "touch here for hard copies only" (which switches to profile 4 which prints only and doesnt save the photos)
5. Then the default profile 1 will load again until money is recieved
Is this all correct? thanks again!!
Chris Breeze
April 11th, 2012, 05:12 PM
That's correct.
April 12th, 2012, 12:57 AM
That worked a treat Chris, much appreciated, great customer service thanks again!
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