View Full Version : Latest Round of Windows Update Crashing System

June 15th, 2012, 02:28 AM
Has anyone else had problems with the recent deployment of Windows Updates? Never had a problem until after the update. Breezeviewer now completely freezes the system. I've tried different boot sequences and opening the remote pro app. It only crashes after I open Breezeviewer. If feeezes both remote pro and Breezeviwer. BreezeBrowser Pro works fine. I know that the newest updates from Windows included .NET updates. Could this have affected something. Chris, can you check on this?

Chris Breeze
June 15th, 2012, 10:31 AM
My 64-bit Windows 7 laptop has just installed 13 Windows updates and is still able to run BreezeViewer and our other apps without any problems. Our software doesn't use .Net and shouldn't be affected by .Net releated updates. You could try setting your computer back to a system restore point from before the updates or reinstalling the Windows updates to see whether that fixes the problem.

June 20th, 2012, 02:42 AM
I actually had to reinstall windows and it fixed the problem. I still believe it was the .Net update that crashed the system. It has happened before.