View Full Version : download from d60 to pc

May 9th, 2005, 07:56 PM
While downloading from 512 mb 60 CRW images cf, download stopped in the middle and advised "one file needs attention", and then the download ceased I noted the file where the lockup first occurred, deleted it from the cf using the camera trash can feature,and started over. Same thing.

I then opened a new sub using prefeences folder in a different folder and all worked ok? This is the first time this has happened in old and new download programs versions.

I hope this is an isolated happening as i lost the file I deleted.

Chris Breeze
May 10th, 2005, 01:53 PM
It's hard to say what the problem was without more information. One possible cause is if you are renaming the files using just the date and time you will get duplicate filenames if you shoot at more than 1 frame/sec. I always include the original image number in the filename if I'm naming using date and time so as to avoid this sort of problem.