View Full Version : breeze and uploading to Facebook

August 23rd, 2012, 06:47 PM
I have a client that is looking to upload photos from the photo booth "on the fly" to their business facebook page . Is it possible to do this or do the photos have to be uploaded to a personal facebook page?

Thanks in advance.


August 23rd, 2012, 11:29 PM
I have a client that is looking to upload photos from the photo booth "on the fly" to their business facebook page . Is it possible to do this or do the photos have to be uploaded to a personal facebook page?

Thanks in advance.


it can be done using a wifi connection, Dropbox and ifttt.com

PM me for the details if you wish.

August 24th, 2012, 12:20 AM
it can be done using a wifi connection, Dropbox and ifttt.com

PM me for the details if you wish.

Lorne, I'd like to know the answer as well. Perhaps you could post it?


August 24th, 2012, 01:08 AM
thanks i pm'ed you. I have no issue getting the photos to a personal facebook page, just tested out the way that chris breeze suggested. but can not get these photos uploaded on the fly to the business facebook page.



August 24th, 2012, 01:33 AM
Sorry to have sounded secretive...

it sounds more cumbersome than it is.. but here's how I do it. it seems kinda rube-goldberg-machine-ish, but once set up... it's effortless.

You'll need a dropbox account. The free one is fine as you're only uploading the final JPEGs.

You'll need an account at ifttt.com. Set up the channels for DROPBOX and FACEBOOK PAGES (this allows business pages). That's not the FACEBOOK channel which is personal pages.

You'll need an app to copy files from point A to point B on a schedule. I use Allways Sync, but there others, free and paid.

You also need an Internet connection during the event. I use a USB modem-stick.

On your PC running Breeze set your copying app to copy the contents of your PRINTS folder every minute. The destination folder where the final JPEGs are copied must be inside a folder called PUBLIC which is inside your dropbox folder. (this is because IFTTT only recognizes the PUBLIC folder of your dropbox.) You CAN avoid this step IF you locate your final outputted JPEG file to Dropbox. I do not recommend this, as that place the feeder files there and that will clog up your Dropbox folder, as they will be uploaded as well. No need for this.

That folder of final JPEGs is then synced up to your dropbox every few minutes.

Go to IFTTT and set up those 2 channels. One gets your dropbox credentials, the other your facebook business page credentials.

Now set up a new task. In IFTTT terms, a task has a trigger and an action. The trigger is every time a new JPEG is found in that hot folder, upload it to your facebook page.

The End.

It's now automagic. IFTTT runs every 15 minutes by default. There is no way to hurry this at the moment. You can also trigger it manually, but I don't. I now tell the guest... "wait 15-20 minutes and the image should be there then.

So the path a JPEG follows from Breeze to facebook is...

*created by Breeze and placed in \PRINTS
*Copied by from \PRINTS to DROPBOX\PUBLIC\
*Uploaded by Dropbox to the cloud
*Detected by IFTTT, uploaded to Facebook

You can get more fancy, by adding watermarks, resizing etc. somewhere along the line, but this is the simplest way I know of.

I'd be glad to help you set it up if you need.

August 29th, 2012, 09:56 PM
Hi Lorne

Thanks for the details, very handy going to try this out this weekend

September 24th, 2012, 07:26 PM
Well, here is what I did. I went to ifttt and created an account. I created a recipe there that looked at a Facebook folder withing the Dropbox Public folder. IFTTT gave me a "public folder" URL. The recipe shows the following ingredients:

"new photo in your Public folder/Subfolder name

Photo URL BOX:

{{PHOTOURL}} and then my dropbox supplied link

Message BOX:

Album name BOX:


So, I then open my FB page, and the image placeholders are there but no image. just a blank box that says " file not found" any thoughts?

November 26th, 2012, 05:03 PM
I now use WappWolf and Hotfolder prints to do this. It works flawlessly!

December 11th, 2012, 12:06 PM
There are a few programs out there that do this also. You can set up a second kiosk type computer and have users do it from there. One of them is Gallery Slide Share. You can find that one at galleryslideshare.com.


October 9th, 2013, 07:47 AM
saving this for later !
Thanks !

January 17th, 2014, 04:12 AM
Hey BrianS! Could you illuminate that workflow a little more for me? I can see that it's possible to use a pathway of Hotfolder> Wappwolf> Dropbox to post images on Facebook, but the specifics are not clear to me. Could you chart out a workflow? Thanks very much.

Tom Meyer

(From the Hot Folder product description "The email option can be used to upload photos to sites such as Facebook, Flickr and Twitter (via a service such as twitpic). Hotfolder Prints can also be used with free Facebook photo uploading utilities such as WappWolf...")

January 24th, 2014, 12:28 AM
Hi there fellow photoboothers,
I have been trying to work something along the same lines (before the new release) but I am still stuck somewhere.
Here is what I have and what I am trying to do.

I am currently running a photobooth with an older version of DSLR Remote with push buttons (no keyboard) which uploads files from the print folder to a business facebook page via Dropbox - Wappwolf - Facebook. I actually placed the prints folder into Dropbox without a copying soft and it seems to work a treat.

However, I would like users to choose at the end of each photobooth session whether or not they would like their jpg file to be uploaded to this facebook page. Some of the photos wouldn't be good publicity for anyone ... ;)

My first thought was to use the confirm printing screen option and add 2 extra buttons:
one would confirm printing and move the file to the folder monitored by Wappwolf
the other would simply confirm printing and leave the file in its folder.

I have been trying to get my head around this for some time now (as I am not good with programming at all) so I am trying to get a piece of advice if possible:

Is there any feature that I am not aware of in DSLR Remote pro (including the new realease), or in hotfolder which is capable of doing that?
From what I have read, I cannot see any feature that allows this.

I would hope this feature would serve other people, as it is quite simple yet essential. I have encountered lots of users who do not want their privacy uploaded to facebook.


Chris Breeze
January 24th, 2014, 10:36 AM
There isn't an option to print but don't copy the JPEG output.
It's a bit involved, but what you could do is use the touchscreen keyboard with a checkbox that is initially set to one and "Upload" and "Don't upload" keys. Then use the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BreezeSystems\DSLRRemot ePro\100\PhotoboothStatusCmdXML option to run a script which reads the XML file and only copies the JPEG to the Dropbox folder if the XML file contains 1. The checkbox could be positioned off screen because the user doesn't need to see it. The keyboard.xml file would look something like this:

Please enter your email address:
Checkbox set to 1 (off screen)

OK none
OK none

No thanks!
No thanks!

January 25th, 2014, 01:31 AM
Thanks Chris,
Indeed, this is a bit "involved", at least for me.
Also, I would like to stay away from the touchscreen option and just use push buttons for now so I would have to add an extra button for that.
Would you consider making this a feature of your future release? Having an option to say yes or no to upload to one single facebook page?
I am thinking of promotional events where a client would like to have the photos from the booth uploaded to their business facebook page but still be able to give the users the choice (privacy...) to upload or not. (I would love to see the same feature with flipbook as well)
Thanks again for your time and your excellent software.

Chris Breeze
January 25th, 2014, 10:25 AM
Nobody has suggested this before, but it does sound like a useful enhancement. I'll see what I can do in the next release.

January 27th, 2014, 05:44 AM
I would like to say +1 on that request, specially for corporate events.
Thanks for the consideration Chris !

January 28th, 2014, 04:55 PM
This would be a valuable option. I do event work for hospitals (patients and children) where confidentiality and consent to publish is an issue. Thanks... t

January 29th, 2014, 03:15 AM
Glad to see some people are supporting the idea.
Thanks Chris for considering it and hopefully you will integrate this option in your next (soon) release and you definitely have a buyer for that update. ;-)

Chris Breeze
January 29th, 2014, 09:12 AM
I've just released DSLR Remote Pro for Windows v2.7.1 which includes this option.

The new touchscreen action is "Confirm printing (no JPEG copy)" or you can type P in the print confirmation screen. This will still save the JPEG copy of the printed output in the prints subfolder, but it won't save the "Copy JPEG to folder:" JPEG specified in the output settings.