View Full Version : Green Screen Background Selection

August 3rd, 2013, 05:33 AM
I am running DSLR Remote Pro for Windows Version 2.5.3 on a laptop with a 23" Touchscreen Monitor inside the booth. I am trying to add a Forward and Reverse Button to the touchscreen to select between backgrounds. I am using the autohotkey script from the green screen tutorial page on the website. It requires the plus and minus keys to choose the backgrounds. The problem comes with the actions that DSLR Remote Pro lets you choose for the touchscreen buttons. None of the actions seem to emulate the '+' and '-' keys being pressed. Is there a workaround to make these buttons respond properly? I am not sure if the answer is to make the script look for a different button that matches the actions in the photobooth software or some other fix. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


August 3rd, 2013, 11:57 AM
You will need to create different profiles for each of the background greenscreen images (this will also involve creating separate folders for each one) - then you have all the profiles always reverting to profile 1 in their settings.
- then on each ready screen you have your arrows - in profile 1, when the right arrow is touched, it opens profile 2 (hence the greenscreen image changes) - then when in profile 2 if the right arrow is clicked it will move to profile 3 (background changes again), but if the left arrow is clicked then it will go back to profile 1(first background).

Hope that makes sense!

August 3rd, 2013, 07:11 PM
I am able to change the backgrounds. That is not the problem. I defined the gs1 through gs14 and am able to switch between them using the plus and minus keys from the keyboard. The problem I am having is defining the actions associated with the touchscreen buttons in the DSLR Remote Pro software. What action can be assigned to a button to "mimic" the plus and minus buttons in the software?

August 4th, 2013, 08:45 AM
I understand that you are using the profiles to control the background images and that would work. I most likely would even be able to setup the buttons using that method. I was trying to use the Autohotkey Script which is available on the green screen tutorial at the Breeze System's website. The only thing I lack is the ability setup a plus and minus key button on the touchscreen monitor. Is there a way to accomplish that with DSLR Remote Pro for Windows?


August 4th, 2013, 10:10 PM
As I said, you can do this using different profiles. No need to use AHK.

August 5th, 2013, 01:15 AM
Ok, but the Profiles only allow 8 choices and the selection seems more clumsy. Are none of the actions in the touchscreen selection capable of imitating a '+' and a '-' from the keyboard? I thought the increase and decrease the number of prints would work for this, but it does not, unfortunately. Could another action choice be added to the drop down menu? I find it hard to believe that I am the first one to try using the AHK with a touchscreen monitor.


Chris Breeze
August 6th, 2013, 09:19 AM
You need to modify the AutoHotKey script to capture the touchscreen clicks before they are processed by the photobooth software e.g.

MouseGetPos, xPos, yPos
if (xPos > 800 && xPos 100 && ypos {
; user clicked in the '+' area - add the same code as for pressing the + button
else if (xPos > 800 && xPos 500 && yPos {
; user clicked in the '-' area - add the same code as for pressing the - button
; user didn't click on either area, pass the click on so that the photobooth software can process it
Click %xPos%, %yPos%

August 7th, 2013, 06:05 AM
Thank you, Chris. That seems much more workable for my situation. Am I correct then that I do not need any action in that area for the touchscreen settings within DSLR Remote Pro? I figured that since AHK is monitoring for a screen press in that area of the touchscreen, that DSLR Remote Pro can just ignore that action. Right?

Thanks again,

Chris Breeze
August 7th, 2013, 10:50 AM
That's right - you don't need to define touchscreen actions in DSLR Remote Pro because it is handled by the AutoHotKey script.

August 8th, 2013, 01:39 AM
That worked perfectly. Thank you!! I can actually now use the AHK script and the profiles to get 8 x 14 green screen backgrounds. I think 14 will be enough choices for any customer to select from, but 8 (profiles) don't seem to be enough. We have several themed costumes as props for the photobooth and those require their own special background. The touchscreen button selection is much cleaner than using Stealthswitch and arcade buttons.
Thank you for the prompt and accurate help with the resolution. I am extremely glad that I chose to use the DSLR Remote Pro for my photobooth business.


August 9th, 2013, 09:15 PM
Hi radmand. I sent you a PM. if you can help me I´ll be grateful.
Best regards.