View Full Version : problem with DL naming (Pentax)

July 26th, 2005, 12:38 AM
I have a Pentax Optio S and a Canon S2. I was drawn to the DLpro to be able to rename and use the software to name by camera. I have a lot of existing Pentax photos, so I am using those directories as source (and they get moved and renamed to a new directory).

My directory string is:

My file string is:

Where I have mapped T8 to be PNTX or S2 depending on camera.

PROBLEM: When I run this on the Pentax existing photos, the date string picks up the date of the file NOT the EXIF date of the photograph. I can see the EXIF date of the photo in BBpro fine.

Please advise, this seems to be a serious bug or else I am not understanding something? It should be renaming from EXIF not file date, right?


Chris Breeze
July 26th, 2005, 06:14 AM
You need to set "Use image capture time for file timestamp" in DLPro's preferences (under the General tab). When this is set DLPro will read the shooting data to obtain the date and time the picture was taken rather than using the file's timestamp.

July 26th, 2005, 11:27 AM
Thanks, for some reason I thought that was ON by default. I will look for that now.
