View Full Version : Archiving RAW files
August 17th, 2005, 10:52 AM
I use Downloader Pro to rename my RAW images from my CompactFlashCards/Card reader and to create new folders, in date format, on my Laptop and my desktop PC.
I would like to integrate the archiving of these same files to CD particularly while working away from home. This would round off a very elegant download workflow. I fully appreciate that Downloader Pro cannot write to CDs directly but is there any way I can place the renamed or original files in XPs folder ready to write to CD?
I have two other options either to use Portfolio7 to catalogue the original files and then write to CD or to use Nero to write the RAW data, including the THM files,to CD . Neither have the elegance of using Downloader Pro or Breeze Browser Pro.
I feel sure other users of your splendid programmes must have raised the issue of Archiving before now. Can you offer any help or advice?
Canon 10 D --- Operating System XP Pro
August 17th, 2005, 02:26 PM
I am not sure what you are asking here, but if you want to place a complete folder of images somewhere to be later copied to CD/DVD/etc., than just drag the folder, in BB or explorer, to another directory, which you can then backup later. Another option is to use the DLPro backup plug-in to do the same thing.
August 17th, 2005, 04:40 PM
There's some sort of a free plugin for DL Pro which can write files to a second location. I suppose you could pick the CD Burning staging location for that..
August 18th, 2005, 08:30 AM
Thanks Guys for pointing me in the right direction. I have downloaded BackupCopy by Chuckl and will see if this achieves what I want to do, which is
1 To back up to CD at the same time as I download my files to Laptop or PC. In this way I know the job is done and completed, not left to accumulate and cause uncertainties later.
2 I would like the CD backup to be in the camera format and include the THM files which are discarded in my current downloading process.
2a Failing the above, the backup could be as configured in Downloader Pro i.e. in the date format as this is compatible with my working files on my hard drive.
With regards to the drag and drop in BB to the CD/DVD drive (D) this was tried before I wrote to the Forum but I was prevented dropping the file. Not tried Right Clicking options, so will try this next.
Regards Heathranger
August 18th, 2005, 05:52 PM
....1 To back up to CD at the same time as I download my files to Laptop or PC. In this way I know the job is done and completed, not left to accumulate and cause uncertainties later.
Short answer is no, longer answer is possibly - by writing a plugin. However, I would certainly not want to do this. Reading/writing to external devices is a relativley risky business, and I would not want the posibility of messing with my initial image download from CF. I want this to operate as quickly and troublefree as possible.
2 I would like the CD backup to be in the camera format and include the THM files which are discarded in my current downloading process.
What do you mean in the "camera format"? You are obviously going to require the THMs until you have backed them up.
...With regards to the drag and drop in BB to the CD/DVD drive (D)...
This might work if you have the CD burner configured correctly, but, as I suggested, I find it much better to just copy them to a temporay spooling directory for later burning.
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