View Full Version : IPTC Data not written to Nikon RAW

August 18th, 2005, 03:45 PM
I have a Nikon D2X. The whole reason I got Downloader Pro was to be able to simplify my intake process and get copyright and keyword data into an entire shoot's worth of images. However, I notice that the IPTC data is only added to a tiny fraction of the RAW files. I let the camera generate both RAW and JPG, and the JPG files all get labled properly. Any ideas or patches available?

Chris Breeze
August 23rd, 2005, 10:11 AM
What application are you using to read the IPTC data? It's possible that the IPTC data is being written correctly but the app is having problems reading it. Can you read the IPTC data using BreezeBrowser Pro?