View Full Version : Error Creating Directory

September 29th, 2005, 06:26 PM

I have just downloaded your software for evaluation so this could be a problem with me not setting something up correctly.

I am running Windows 2000 SP 4 and downloading images from a Canon Powershot S1 IS. I have (I think) the latest version of all software (system and Camera).

I am using Zone Alarm and the settings are set to protect almost everything but I gave your software access to anything it requested.

The receiving directory is alrady created and empty before I start the download.

When I download images I get the above mesage (preceeded by the directory they are being loaded into) for each image I am trying to download.

The download happens but I still get the message for each image I download.

Any ideas ??

Laverne Morrison

Chris Breeze
September 30th, 2005, 07:58 AM
The only things I can think of is either the download directory isn't correctly specified or there is some sort of permissions problem which is preventing DLPro from accessing the directory. Please check the download path displayed in DLPro's main window is pointing to where you expect.

September 30th, 2005, 10:50 AM
I had saved the screen image from when my system isssues the above message so I went back and looked at the message again.

In the top part of the message box it says "Back Up Plug-In". I missed this the first time but I still am not sure what it is objecting to or what I have to do to make it happy.

The images were listed correctly as per what was in the camera and all of the images were downloaded (after I said "Ok" to each msg).

Maybe this will help, sorry I missed it the first time.

Laverne Morrison

September 30th, 2005, 11:06 AM
I went back into "downloader pro" preferences, "plug ins" tab and disabled "back up" and tried the download again.

The images (in the camera) were listed and downloaded into the specified directory without incident.

The error message I was getting did not happen.

I guess it has something to do with a missing directory for the back up plug in to write to, or whatever it is trying to do.

Laverne Morrison