- Compression
- Minor inconsistency in handling XMP data
- National grid coordinates from GPS
- Help for saving settings.
- Problem with Slideshow
- e-mail problems
- raw conversions
- Crashing on proofs
- JP2 display different from TIFF
- Why can't BBpro update original raw image?
- Online printing that accepts lossless images?
- Viewing file casues it to be tagged
- Batch Rename Question
- Individual adjustments in batch processing RAW files
- DMSI PAYPAL template bug? + question.
- 1.71 crashes when file folder is opened
- Differentiating Bodies
- Border getting chopped off by online site
- Why the difference between Convert Raw and Proof?
- Watermark feature request
- Watermarks the @ parameters
- v1.70 crashes on EOS 400D CR2s
- Improving High Volume Workflow Using Barcode ID
- Where are IPTC Caption and Headline in BB Pro?
- GPS/Geotagging/Google Earth Feature Request
- Not printing edge to edge
- Leica M8
- s3IS and raw
- keyword feature request
- Editor which preserves image metadata?
- Slow Opening Folders
- Why is my raw image displayed differently in different viewers?
- JPEG @ 100% quality
- What pixel depth to use?
- Batch conversion incorrectly changing exposure
- Legacy IPTC Description Field**Previously posted to wrong forum**
- Need Slideshow Help
- Support for Canon 40D
- Prevent printing by right clicking
- BreezeBrowser Pro v1.7.2 beta 1 Bug Report
- Impossible to reinstall BB Pro
- IPTC confusion with BBPro entries in Lightroom
- Java Script Help
- EXIF Copy
- Paypal Help
- copyright and foreign languages not working
- How to zoom with roller?
- GeoTagging existing images with plot data
- Proof problems
- Breezebrowser Pro 172/Error Message
- Bug in new version
- Light box / light table (for slide show)
- Batch Printing...
- PTLens plug-in not quite correcting
- updating- Chris?
- Canon G9 RAW files ?
- Zoomfactor in Image Caption possible?
- Starting slide show by double-clicking thumbnail
- Error message when proofing
- Auto Rotate combo for BBPro, DLPro, and Nikon D200?
- HTML settings to remember watermark
- Camera setting in preferences
- where can I download the old version of BBPro?
- Copyright message problem in HTML generation
- Another annoying feature request
- BBPro and New Picture Styles
- [RFE] Support for Canon 40D subsecond capture time
- Feature Request: Gamma adjustment to HTML generation
- HELP! no HTML folder created, yet I can preview gallery
- I would like to select CR2 files from matching JPG files
- XMP and Adobe CS2
- I want a page of bigger pictures
- Template help
- BBPro v1.7.2 displays G9 RAW files & Print to File works
- RAW navigation feature request
- BBP just quitting
- BBP making weird icon
- D3 and D300 support
- HTML generation & resizing
- Lag opening new folders?
- BreezeBrowser Pro v1.7.3 beta 1
- Loading Proofed JPGs in Photoshop CS3
- BBP 1.63 Exception Process error while "Proofing"
- "Batch Convert Raw Images..." issue
- Labels & Star Ratings in BBPro
- Which EXIF date/time?
- Gamma vs Slider
- Problem with Linear/Combined Raw Conversion
- Sony ARW Support
- Tools->Image Display and color space
- Shutter actuations on new Canons
- HTML question
- Window startup location
- BBP Suggestion
- Printing Watermarks & File Numbers
- BBPro and Canon libraries
- HTML file location
- Wish list
- showing file name right above or below in film strip?
- Any way to save custom slideshow settings?
- Select Converted?
- TIFF 16 bit has become default setting??
- Token help
- Previously Viewed Directories
- Monitor profile?
- Question about "View Actual Image"
- Canon Picture Styles
- Proofs Bug: Lens Distortion
- sRAW support
- Printing Album Pages
- HTML conversion: Limitation for Main Image
- Feature request
- Problem with BBPro Directory Tree
- expired beta..
- BBPro crashes with 40D SRAW
- Feature request
- BB PRo appears to put duplicate file entries into PSP X2
- Error message
- Need some help editing javascript in template
- Scalable Thumbnails-feature request
- Feature requests: thumbnail sizes & tagging
- Slow Process.. Too slow!!
- BBpro Template Editing Issue
- xmp file location
- EXIF Copy function does not copy info from XMP files?
- Canon G3 RAW Conversion Not Working Under Vista
- emailing html page
- Problem-Win Explorer file Date Created/time is 1 hour earlier than EXIF data
- XMP get's confused
- 40D AEB Shot Number
- XMP confusion: SOLVED (but not for BBPro)
- Feature Request
- BreezeBrowser Pro v1.7.3 beta 3
- Batch Rename: why a limited number of presets?
- G 9 raw
- Captions, labels, dates & tokens
- 1.7.2 issue (bug?)
- Merging incomplete
- Viewing images on network drive?
- e-mail / absolute path
- no \ in caption field
- Truncating File Names
- Loss of data in IPTC batch update
- Location field tags
- Jpeg Iptc --> Raw Iptc?
- Thanks and a request
- Post Processing - Lighten image
- Rotation & Magnifier
- Sort by date modified
- How to force JPG use for Proof ?
- Latest version 1ds mk11 or mk111?
- Exif editing?
- Thumbs from ARW-Files are not shown
- converted images look flat
- HTML Template Question
- minor request link jpg/raw- open jpg
- HTML-Generation
- Settings for Photos HD 1920x1080 (or 1620x1080)?
- Request for Batch Rename modifications
- 1.7.3 uses IE instead of Default Browser?
- switching off copy by double click
- HTML Generate Main image and 2 thumbnails?
- Adding new images to HTML gallery
- Slow PSD file display
- D300 becomes a D2X
- 1D mark III focus points in DNG
- GPS Problem
- Problem proofing a rotated portrait format jpg
- Search/Sort/Filter by Keyword
- Printing photos
- Coundown Clock on Gallery
- Proof question
- JPEG Image Verification
- Color gamut in HTML
- Another Proof Question
- Request: "Copy out"
- Rotation Contradiction.
- Tecnical Problem with BB pro "BB has encountered a problem and needs to close"
- Request for Regenerate thumbs
- Request: Micro-adjust setting
- Automatic Slideshow - Live Refresh
- DSMI PayPal template prices
- Raw conversion Output dpi in PSD format
- Slideshow Question
- feature request re: loading of tag files
- Proof corrups EXIF Tags
- where are the jpeg files?
- IPTC Data?
- HTML enhancement suggestion
- Add copyright to recursive combined template?
- Off topic: 1DS Mk III Raw file please?
- need help combining Order and Slideshow template
- Sort by orientation (feature request)
- Starting Remote With Browser
- DPP RAW files and IPTC/XMP data
- HTML "Home" attributes
- Proofs cause BreezeBrowser to crash
- Updating IPTC data
- Feature request - file recognition
- Proofs JPG (No EXIF)
- Orientation oddity when RAW + JPG linked
- PSD file fron Photosop CS3 not displayed
- Rotation of images with Canon 40D
- Feature Request: Image Properties in Actual Image view
- GPS Map Page and PayPal Order Page - combining
- Sort numerically then by time stamp ?
- The Parameter is incorrect popup error box!
- BB Pro G9 Support -- v. 1.8 beta 1
- Pro won't load
- EPS files
- HTML QUESTION for the experts...
- Which Keyword Vocabulary database to Use?
- How can I search keywords or IPTC/XMP Data
- Can't Open a Converted Tiff Image
- BBPro Keeps Crashing
- Browse With BreezeBrowser Pro - Vista
- Can you crop in BB Pro?
- Workflow suggestions please ! HELP !
- Sony A700
- Geocode via IPTC data
- Metadata compatability with LR v1.3.1
- Batch processing in Breeze Browser?
- Bug: 1.8 Beta 2 HTML generation
- PicLens
- Beta 2 text handling error/change and other
- Image resolution using BBPro raw converter
- Copy / Paste or Edit Geo-Tag...
- HTML template question.
- Feature suggestion: grouping
- Converting negs to positive
- Please improve network support
- Conversion times - What are others seeing?
- New to forum
- Question about Canon XSi RAW conversion
- color in C1 greener than BB although settings are same
- EXIF / IPTC Description / User Comment
- Going back to BB. But feature request please.
- GPS template - Satellite/Terrain background?
- BB Pro Preferences file
- Anyone running BBPro on a Mac?
- Error trying to convert Canon XSi RAW file
- GPS data format tokens
- Bug in BBPro 1.8
- focus point overlay 1.8 beta
- HAL.dll corruption
- Focus points with Nikon D200
- Bug in gallery creation with BBPro 1.8?
- BBPro will not open unless connected to Internet?
- Focus Points XTi/440D
- BB Pro 1.8